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【隱藏在里斯本市中心的秘密瑰寶 ~ Casa do Alentejo (阿連特茹之家)】
【A hidden gem in the city centre of Lisbon - Casa do Alentejo】
I have been really tied up recently and thus not been able to write any posts. Glad that I can have more time for myself again - stretching up my arms and feet, LOL, and write more stuff in here. All of you, so passionate for Portugal, I hope you will have the patience to read this post, LOL!
在里斯本旅遊時, 好多朋友由於時間所限, 可能都只夠時間去一些傳統的大景點參觀, 有些地方被忽略了, 但卻是我覺得很值得去看的, 例如我現在想推介的 Casa do Alentejo, 由於我沒有見過有任何中文名稱, 所以暫且替它改一個中文名字叫「阿連特茹公會 / 阿連特茹之家」。
Alentejo (阿連特茹) 其實是葡萄牙一個大省的名稱, 位於葡萄牙的中部和南部, 面積達 27,272平方公里 (整個香港總面積大約是1105平方公里, 所以Alentejo一個省就有差不多25個香港那麼大), 佔整個葡萄牙接近 30%的面積。何解會在里斯本市中心有一個跟「阿連特茹省」有關的建築物呢?
這座原建於17世紀後期的建築物, 其實最初是屬於一個叫 Viscounts of Alverca 的葡萄牙貴族的宮殿, 稱作 “Alverca宮殿” (Palace Alverca)。 在1917-1919年, 部分宮殿被改作賭場, 這也是里斯本市的第一間賭場。到1932年, 建築物經過修繕後, 變成今天大家見到的「阿連特茹公會 / 阿連特茹之家」- 在里斯本工作和生活的阿連特茹省鄉里們閒餘時的一處優美的聚腳地。
Most visitors to Lisbon, due to time constraint, usually can only have time to visit some very general places, but have neglected some other ones which I think worth very much seeing too, for example, Casa do Alentejo, that I'm trying to introduce now.
Alentejo is indeed a big province in the south-central and southern parts of Portugal. Its area is approximately 27,272 square kilometres (which is almost 25 times the actual size of the whole of Hong Kong) - nearly 30% of the whole of Portugal. Why is there a building in centre Lisbon with connections to Alentejo?
Built in the late 17th century, this building where today is called “Casa do Alentejo” indeed initially belonged to an aristocratic family called the Paes Amaral (Viscounts of Alverca). The building was at that time named “Palace Alverca”.
In 1917-1919, a part of the old palace was transformed into a casino - the first casino of Lisbon. Then after some considerable alterations, from 1932 onwards, the building has became "the Alentejo Guild", later called – "Casa do Alentejo" - the headquarters of the Regionalist Alentejo Association - where the people of Alentejo gather, meet and discuss matters concerning their hometown.
「阿連特茹之家」確實是在里斯本旅遊時很值得去觀光的地方之一。 :-)
"Casa do Alentejo" looks like a very regular building from the outside with an insignificant façade, but after you enter the building and climb the stairs, you would reach a gorgeous Moorish courtyard with a small fountain. Inside it, it sill preserves the original decoration of an Arab-like palace - with horse-shoe shaped arches, sandalwood furniture, and beautiful tiles (called "azulejos" in Portuguese) and mosaics on the walls and the floor. The surrounding has many Moorish influences. The upper floor now houses a restaurant with grand decorations, and a small art gallery.
"Casa do Alentejo" is a very nice place to visit while being in Lisbon. :-)
有關這建築物的資料 / Relevant information about the property:
1) 地址 / Address (街道的名稱 / Name of street): 58, Rua das Portas Santo Antão, Lisboa
2) Rua das Portas Santo Antão 可說是里斯本市中心其中一條非常熱鬧的「餐廳街」, 就在繁盛的 Praça dos Restauradores (復興廣場後面)。 // Rua das Portas Santo Antão is one of the most famous “restaurant streets” in central Lisbon. Located right behind the Praça dos Restauradores.
3) 開放時間 / Opening hours: 星期一至日, 上午10時至晚上11時 // Mondays to Sundays, from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm
4) 入場費 / Admission fee: 免費 // Free