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【里斯本的觀景台 ~ 阿爾坎塔拉聖伯多祿觀景台】
【Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara @Lisbon】
【Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara @Lisbon】
在葡萄牙旅遊, 最少有一個字大家記緊要認得, 就是 miradouro, 因為它意思就是「觀景台」, 它帶領你去從一個極良好的角度去欣賞美景。正如里斯本的「阿爾坎塔拉聖伯多祿觀景台」, 無論是日間、傍晚還是晚上, 從這裡, 里斯本的景色真的是優美得令人驚嘆! 停下腳步, 欣賞那蔚藍天、高高低低錯落有致的紅磚頂屋和遠方的特茹河, 你在里斯本旅遊就更有意思和樂趣。:-)
There's at least one Portuguese word that anyone travelling in Portugal should really recognise and memorise well - 'miradouro'. Miradouro literally means 'viewpoint' - a viewing point which provides stunning views of a city.
Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara in Lisbon is definitely one of the best viewpoints in Lisbon. Pause to admire the bewitching views of the terracotta rooftops beneath the radiant sea-blue sky and the Rio Tejo in the far end. It makes your stay in Lisbon more meaningful and enjoyable.