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【葡撻盡在 里斯本 @Manteigaria】
【Egg tarts @Manteigaria in Lisbon】
【Egg tarts @Manteigaria in Lisbon】
連一位只喜歡吃貝倫蛋撻的葡萄牙朋友, 都吃光了我送他的半打Manteigaria葡撻! 

I know you may not believe me, but I'm really not exaggerating at all.I keep going back to 'Manteigaria' because of their irresistible 'pastéis de nata' (Portuguese egg tarts). To me, their egg tarts are just as good as those from Pastéis de Belém.
In addition to the excellent quality of their egg tarts, the staff is so friendly and nice. You can watch them make egg tarts through the big glass window. By the way, they offer free wifi too.
I have a Portuguese friend who only eats Pastéis de Belém. I gave him half a dozen and he finished them all!

地址/Address: Rua do Loreto, 2 (Chiado區/Chiado district)
(面對著賈梅士廣場, 非常好找 / Facing Camões Square in Chiado, easy to find, you won't miss the place)