Monday, 12 June 2017

準備好聖安東尼夜了嗎? / Are you ready for the night of Santo António of Lisbon?

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【Are you ready for the night of Santo António of Lisbon?】

每年期待以久的盛會 - 里斯本的聖安東尼之夜 (6月12-13日), 今晚將在市中心的Avenida da Liberdade (自由大道)舉行巡行匯演, 再加上整晚在大街小巷的街頭慶祝活動, 是來體驗里斯本的最佳時刻。

Excited about the night of the Santo António of Lisbon (12-13 June)? There will be marches on Avendia da Liberdade (Avenue of Liberty) in city centre, plus celebrations in various parts of the city. It's the best time to visit and enjoy the fun of Lisbon.

** 部分火車和地鐵有延長或通宵服務, 現簡單講講 (請在火車和地鐵站跟職員核實最新資料):
** Special train and metro services throughout the night are mentioned below (please always consult the train and metro staff onsite for the latest information):

(A) 國鐵 (CP trains):
Rossio (羅西奧火車站) >> Sintra (辛特拉): 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 5:30
Cais do Sodré >> Cascais: 2:30, 3:30, 4:30
Santa Apolónia >> Azambuja: 1:30, 3:30
所有特別班次停靠沿線所有的站 / The special trains stop at all stations.

(B) 地鐵 (Metro):
藍線部分路段首次通宵行駛, 通宵行駛的地鐵站有:Santa Apolónia、Terreiro do Paço (附近是商業廣場)、Baixa Chiado、Restauradores (復興廣場站)、Marquês de Pombal、Jardim Zoológico (動物園站)、Colégio Militar 和 Pontinha。 其餘路段則仍舊凌晨一點停止服務。
Certain stations in the Azul line are going to be working throughout the night. They are:
Santa Apolónia
Terreiro do Paço
Baixa Chiado
Marquês de Pombal
Jardim Zoológico
Colégio Militar; and

提醒各位預先買好車票, 否則肯定大排長龍, 浪費大家時間。另外記緊小心隨身物品, 避免帶大量現金和名貴飾物出席人多的場所。如穿涼鞋要考慮在人多地方可能會弄傷。
遊行的自由大道兩旁一早就會有人開始站著等候, 而遊行歷時超過4小時, 不看可中途離開的。