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【"市中心巨型滑水梯" 今個夏天也將降臨葡萄牙!】
【"Slide the City" is coming to Portugal too this summer!】
嘩, 好興奮收到這個新消息! 在美國很受歡迎的夏日 "Slide the City" 活動, 今年除會在亞洲的香港和日本舉行, 在歐洲很多大城市也即將會有這項非常有趣的市中心戶外巨型滑水梯新玩意, 包括陽光充沛的葡萄牙。會夏天來葡萄牙旅遊的朋友,可以考慮去玩這個特別的玩意。
Wow!! So excited to have received this exciting news! The popular good fun "Slide the City" activity, born in the US, is coming to Hong Kong and Japan in Asia; and many cities in Europe too, including sun-drenched Portugal. Those who are coming to visit Portugal this summer may consider participating in this fun event.
smile emoticoming to Hong Kong and Japan in Asia; and many cities in Europe too, including sun-drenched Portugal. Those who are coming to visit Portugal this summer may consider participating in this fun event. coming to Hong Kong and Japan in Asia; and many cities in Europe too, including sun-drenched Portugal. Those who are coming to visit Portugal this summer may consider participating in this fun event.
根據官網資料, 暫定在以下葡萄牙城市舉行 (附日期):
根據官網資料, 暫定在以下葡萄牙城市舉行 (附日期):
根據官網資料, 暫定在以下葡萄牙城市舉行 (附日期):
1) Porto (波圖) ~~ 4 & 5 July (7月4-5日) ~~ 地點: Avenida 25 de Abril (4月25日大道)
2) Lisbon (里斯本) ~~ 11 & 12 July (7月11-12日) 地點 Parque Eduardo VII (Eduardo VII 公園)
3) Figueira da Foz ~~ 25 & 26 July* (7月25-26日)
4) Portimão* (在南部 Algarve 省一著名旅遊小鎮) ~~ 8 & 9 August* (8月8-9日)
5) Braga* (布拉加) ~~ 19 & 20 September* (9月19-20日)
5) Braga* (布拉加) ~~ 19 & 20 September* (9月19-20日)
*計劃中, 但未確實
* Planned, but not confirmed yet
* Planned, but not confirmed yet
圖片來自網頁/ Source of Photo: http://family.portugalconfidential.com/city-water-slide-po…/
更多相關資料 / More information:
City Water Slide 葡萄牙官網 (只有葡語) / City Water Slide Portugal Official Website (in Portuguese only): http://citywaterslide.pt/
City Water Slide 葡萄牙官網 (只有葡語) / City Water Slide Portugal Official Website (in Portuguese only): http://citywaterslide.pt/
另外, 如有朋友對香港的 "Slide the City"活動有興趣, 可閱:http://gotrip.hk/article/index.php?id=42978
另外, 如有朋友對香港的 "Slide the City"活動有興趣, 可閱:http://gotrip.hk/article/index.php?id=42978