Sunday, 24 May 2015

"市中心巨型滑水梯" 今個夏天也將降臨葡萄牙! / "Slide the City" is coming to Portugal too this summer!
WebPage Visits

【"市中心巨型滑水梯" 今個夏天也將降臨葡萄牙!】

【"Slide the City" is coming to Portugal too this summer!】

嘩, 好興奮收到這個新消息! 在美國很受歡迎的夏日 "Slide the City" 活動, 今年除會在亞洲的香港和日本舉行, 在歐洲很多大城市也即將會有這項非常有趣的市中心戶外巨型滑水梯新玩意, 包括陽光充沛的葡萄牙。會夏天來葡萄牙旅遊的朋友,可以考慮去玩這個特別的玩意。

Wow!! So excited to have received this exciting news! The popular good fun "Slide the City" activity, born in the US, is coming to Hong Kong and Japan in Asia; and many cities in Europe too, including sun-drenched Portugal. Those who are coming to visit Portugal this summer may consider participating in this fun event. 
smile emoticoming to Hong Kong and Japan in Asia; and many cities in Europe too, including sun-drenched Portugal. Those who are coming to visit Portugal this summer may consider participating in this fun event.  coming to Hong Kong and Japan in Asia; and many cities in Europe too, including sun-drenched Portugal. Those who are coming to visit Portugal this summer may consider participating in this fun event.
根據官網資料, 暫定在以下葡萄牙城市舉行 (附日期):

根據官網資料, 暫定在以下葡萄牙城市舉行 (附日期):

According to information in its official website, "City Water Slide Portugal" is scheduled to take place for the following cities and dates:

1) Porto (波圖) ~~ 4 & 5 July (7月4-5日) ~~ 地點: Avenida 25 de Abril (4月25日大道)
2) Lisbon (里斯本) ~~ 11 & 12 July (7月11-12日) 地點 Parque Eduardo VII (Eduardo VII 公園)
3) Figueira da Foz ~~ 25 & 26 July* (7月25-26日)
4) Portimão* (在南部 Algarve 省一著名旅遊小鎮) ~~ 8 & 9 August* (8月8-9日)
5) Braga* (布拉加) ~~ 19 & 20 September* (9月19-20日)

*計劃中, 但未確實
* Planned, but not confirmed yet


更多相關資料 / More information:
City Water Slide 葡萄牙官網 (只有葡語) / City Water Slide Portugal Official Website (in Portuguese only):
另外, 如有朋友對香港的 "Slide the City"活動有興趣, 可閱:

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

葡萄牙飲食 ~~ 在葡萄牙點咖啡 / Portuguese drinks ~ order coffee in Portugal

Stats Of Hits

【葡萄牙飲食 ~~ 在葡萄牙點咖啡】
【Portuguese drinks ~ order coffee in Portugal】

意大利人的喝咖啡文化, 人所共知。葡萄牙人也都同樣鐘愛咖啡, 大城小鎮, 大街小巷弄裡, 都見到咖啡館、小餐廳、小酒館, 售賣食品甜點之餘, 必不缺咖啡。

由於熱愛喝咖啡的關係, 葡萄牙式咖啡種類跟意式咖啡一樣很多。每種咖啡都有自己專有的名字,弄清楚的話,在葡萄牙點咖啡就容易多了! smile emoticon

Italians are well-known for their culture of drinking coffee. So do the Portuguese too! Restaurants, cafés and, snack bars in big cities and small towns; on main streets and in small alleys: they all serve coffee, as well as food and pastries.

Because Portuguese love coffee so much, they are just like the Italians - there are many variations of coffee drinks available in Portugal and each one has got its own name. Figure out which is which, and you would find ordering a coffee much easier in Portugal. 

smile emoticon

一些最常見的葡萄牙咖啡飲料 (我不是咖啡專家, 我在這篇小文, 附上在網路上辛苦找來的兩張葡萄牙咖啡種類和它們的成份比例的圖片, 希望幫得到大家):

1) Bica (里斯本叫法) / Cimbalino (波圖叫法): 也即是 espresso (濃縮咖啡), 以一小杯製造而成的味道香厚的濃黑咖啡。

2) Café duplo: 雙濃縮咖啡。

3) Galão: 葡萄牙特色咖啡。是以濃縮咖啡和泡沫牛奶製作, 類似「拿鐵咖啡」。它用高玻璃杯, 以1/4 的咖啡和3/4的泡沫牛奶沖泡而成。配甜點一起吃味道非常好。

4) Garoto (或 Cortado): 是以濃縮咖啡, 再加少量溫熱的牛奶製成, 以降低咖啡裡的酸度。用濃縮咖啡杯盛載, 咖啡跟奶的比例通常是 50/50。

5) Meia de Leite (字面意思是"一半的奶"): 以一份濃縮咖啡跟一份奶製成.
在葡萄牙時, 好好享受各式咖啡! smile emoticon

Some of the most common Portuguese coffee drinks (I'm not a coffee specialist. I have attached to this post two graphs that I found on the internet, depicting the ingredients and their proportions in different types of coffee drinks):

1) Bica (in Lisbon) / Cimbalino (in Porto): It's an espresso / café. A black coffee served in a small espresso cup.

2) Café duplo: Double espresso.

3) Galão: a signature Portuguese style coffee-based drink made from espresso and foamed milk, which is similar to a cafe latte. It comes in a tall glass with about 1/4 of coffee and 3/4 of foamed milk. Excellent to have it with some sweet pastry.

4) Garoto (or Cortado): It's an espresso with a small amount of warm milk to reduce acidity. It has a 50/50 coffee-to-milk ratio in a small espresso cup.

5) Meia de Leite (literally "Half of milk"): One portion of espresso and one portion of milk. The proportion is 1:1.

Enjoy drinking coffee while in Portugal! smile emoticon

有關相片 / About the photos: 

第一及二張相片來自 / Source of the first and second
第三張相片: 我在科英布拉 (Coimbra) 享用當地特色甜點和 galão 咖啡 (I was enjoying some local specialties and a galão in Coimbra)。
第四張相片: 在 Fábrica de Pastéis de Belém 歷史悠久的葡撻店 品嘗Pastel de Belém 正宗葡式蛋撻和 bica (I was having some delicious pasteis de Belém egg tarts at the famous Fábrica de Pastéis de Belém)

Friday, 8 May 2015

葡萄牙購物 ~ 香水香薰篇 / Shopping in Portugal ~ Perfume and aromas

Stats Of Hits

【葡萄牙購物 ~ 香水香薰篇】
【Shopping in Portugal ~ Perfume and aromas】

到國外旅行, 除了欣賞美景和文化古蹟, 購物大概都是大家會喜愛做的事情吧! smile emoticon

Apart from seeing beautiful scenery and visiting cultural heritage sites, shopping should be something that most of you will like to do too while travelling abroad! smile emoticon


包和名錶, 或者精巧的水晶之類, 而是大數人都能負擔得起價格的, 也特別受女性歡迎的 ~~ 香水和香薰。

What I want to introduce is not expensive bags and watches or delicate crystal and the like, but something that most people can afford the price, and which is particularly popular among ladies ~ perfume and aromas.

某天和朋友在里斯本某個商場行逛時, 見到這間有趣的店子, 於是就走入去逛逛。這間來自西班牙的香水和香薰品牌, 在葡萄牙、意大利、法國等國家都有分店, 研發、製造和售賣自家研發的不同香水香薰。有很多種不同香味可以請店員給您測試, 喜歡的話, 告訴店員想要買的香水味道與容量 (分30毫升、50毫升和100毫升三種), 她就會即時在您面前, 將香水注入新的玻璃瓶給您。另外, 他們還有售賣家居和汽車香薰。

我無法抗拒香味的誘惑, 買了一小瓶香水回家。:-)

One day I went shopping with a friend at a shopping mall in Lisbon and saw this interesting shop. It is a popular brand of perfume from Spain, and has a network of shops in places like Portugal, Italy and France. It develops and sells its own perfume fragrance. There are many different scents available in the shop for customers to try. Perfume is sold in glass bottles of various volumes (30ml, 50ml and 100ml). The Sales lady will fill in the perfume in front of you. They sell home and car aromas as well.

I couldn't resist the fragrance and bought one small bottle of perfume home. 

Saturday, 2 May 2015

您準備好攀登沒有? 耶穌聖山 @布拉加 / Are you ready to climb? Bom Jesus do Monte Sanctuary @Braga

Stats Of Hits

【您準備好攀登沒有? 耶穌聖山 @布拉加 】
【Are you ready to climb? Bom Jesus do Monte Sanctuary @Braga】

座落在布拉加 (Braga) 市郊的耶穌聖山,是葡萄牙國內極之聞名的一個天主教朝聖之地。 那116米長, 充滿美麗裝飾的巴洛克式彎曲成「之字形」的樓梯 (接近600級樓梯), 加上沿途不同的噴泉、雕像, 和山上的朝聖教堂, 令我印象很深。

無論是爬上 (和/或 爬下) 這道樓梯, 都是非常值得的。 沿著樓梯走的這段路非常怡人, 而到達小山頂上遠眺的 布拉加市風景更是非常美麗! 建在山頂上的朝聖教堂, 是一座18世紀的巴洛克風格建築。傳統上, 虔誠的朝聖者會以雙膝跪拜, 一路爬到山頂上的朝聖教堂, 淨化思想, 洗滌心靈和體驗耶穌基督受難的苦難場面。

除了走路,也可以駕車或乘坐纜車的方式抵達耶穌聖山參觀。 纜車建於1882年,是伊比利亞半島上仍然使用的最古老的纜車。

Located on the outskirts of the city of Braga, Bom Jesus do Monte Sanctuary is a notable pilgrimage site. The 116-meter-long zig-zag decorative baroque style staircase (nearly 600 stairs); the different fountains and statues along the way; plus the pilgrim church at the top of the hill have all impressed me a great deal.

Climbing up (and/or down) the staircase is well worth it.The way along the staircase is an enjoyable walk, and the scenery of the city of Braga viewed from the top of the hill is breathtaking! The chapel standing at the top of the hill is a 18th-century Baroque style construction. Traditionally, pious pilgrims climb on the stairs on their knees, purifying their minds and reflecting on the scenes of the Passion of Christ.

Besides walking, Bom Jesus do Monte Sanctuary is also accessible by cars and the funicular. The funicular was built in 1882 and is the oldest one that is still being used on the Iberian Peninsula.