Friday 8 May 2015

葡萄牙購物 ~ 香水香薰篇 / Shopping in Portugal ~ Perfume and aromas

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【葡萄牙購物 ~ 香水香薰篇】
【Shopping in Portugal ~ Perfume and aromas】

到國外旅行, 除了欣賞美景和文化古蹟, 購物大概都是大家會喜愛做的事情吧! smile emoticon

Apart from seeing beautiful scenery and visiting cultural heritage sites, shopping should be something that most of you will like to do too while travelling abroad! smile emoticon


包和名錶, 或者精巧的水晶之類, 而是大數人都能負擔得起價格的, 也特別受女性歡迎的 ~~ 香水和香薰。

What I want to introduce is not expensive bags and watches or delicate crystal and the like, but something that most people can afford the price, and which is particularly popular among ladies ~ perfume and aromas.

某天和朋友在里斯本某個商場行逛時, 見到這間有趣的店子, 於是就走入去逛逛。這間來自西班牙的香水和香薰品牌, 在葡萄牙、意大利、法國等國家都有分店, 研發、製造和售賣自家研發的不同香水香薰。有很多種不同香味可以請店員給您測試, 喜歡的話, 告訴店員想要買的香水味道與容量 (分30毫升、50毫升和100毫升三種), 她就會即時在您面前, 將香水注入新的玻璃瓶給您。另外, 他們還有售賣家居和汽車香薰。

我無法抗拒香味的誘惑, 買了一小瓶香水回家。:-)

One day I went shopping with a friend at a shopping mall in Lisbon and saw this interesting shop. It is a popular brand of perfume from Spain, and has a network of shops in places like Portugal, Italy and France. It develops and sells its own perfume fragrance. There are many different scents available in the shop for customers to try. Perfume is sold in glass bottles of various volumes (30ml, 50ml and 100ml). The Sales lady will fill in the perfume in front of you. They sell home and car aromas as well.

I couldn't resist the fragrance and bought one small bottle of perfume home. 

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