Saturday, 24 October 2015

注意: 葡萄牙2015年冬令時間 ~ 10月25日開始 / Note: Portugal 2015 Daylight Saving Time ~ Ends on October 25

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【注意: 葡萄牙2015年冬令時間 ~ 10月25日開始】
【Note: Portugal 2015 Daylight Saving Time ~ Ends on October 25】

時間過得很快, 轉眼間, 今年的葡萄牙冬令時間又即將開始!
Times flies! Year 2015 Daylight Saving Time in Portugal is about to end!

星期日 (明天), 10月25日, 凌晨2:00:00要改成:
星期日 (明天), 10月25日, 凌晨1:00:00, 時間要向後撥一小時。
日出和日落也會早一小時, 葡萄牙會早一小時就天黑了。
另外, 葡萄牙跟亞洲區四地 香港/中國內地/澳門/台灣, 時差將增加1小時, 至8小時。而葡萄牙跟英國在同一時區, 沒有時差; 跟鄰國西班牙則有1小時的時差。

Sunday, October 25, 02:00:00 clocks are turned backward 1 hour to
Sunday, October 25, 01:00:00 local standard time instead
Sunrise and sunset will be 1 hour earlier. There will be more light in the morning.

Besides, the time difference between Portugal and Hong Kong/China/Macau/Taiwan will become 8 hours. There is no time difference between Portugal and the UK. With its neighbouring country Spain, there's however 1 hour of time difference.
Daylight Saving TIme will start again at midnight on Sunday March 27, 2016.

Monday, 19 October 2015

便宜的 "濃咖啡 + 葡式蛋塔" 餐 / The very affordable "café + Pastel de nata" menu

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【便宜的 "濃咖啡 + 葡式蛋塔" 餐】
【The very affordable "café + Pastel de nata" menu】

葡萄牙的咖啡, 種類很多, 便宜又好喝。 雖然國內也有一些 Starbucks, 但那只是美式產品。傳統的小咖啡室, 他們的咖啡地道好喝, 而且價格實惠得多。

There are many types of Portuguese coffee, which are tasty and very affordable. Yep, there are Starbucks coffee shops in the country, but that is an American product. You should really go and enjoy some good coffee brewed at a traditional café.

地鐵和火車站的閘口內或大堂裡的咖啡店, 以及在公路上的餐廳等, 很多都有供應 "menu pastel de nata + café", 也即是「葡式蛋塔配濃咖啡餐」, 價錢只是大約1歐元。平常一杯濃咖啡反正都要 0.5 - 0.70歐元左右, 一個葡式蛋塔也要1歐元, 所以這種餐確是超值。有些店更容許將 café (葡萄牙式濃咖啡, 跟意大利espresso差不多), 轉做別種類的咖啡, 例如 galão (跟意大利的 caffè latte 差不多)。

除了「葡式蛋塔配濃咖啡餐」, 有時也有多種不同餐供選擇, 可以多點留意。
留意: Pastel de nata (蛋塔) 的複數是 Pastéis de Nata

In many places, including inside or in the lobby areas of metro and

train stations, and in restaurants on the highway, one can often see "menu pastel de nata + café" being offered. "Menu Pastel de nata + Café" is actually Portuguese egg tart with Café set meal. The price is usually about 1€.

A cup of café (similar to an Italian espresso) is usually 0.5€ - 0.70€; and Portuguese egg tarts are normally about 1€ each. So a "Menu Pastel de nata + Café" set meal is well worth the money.

Besides the "Menu Pastel de nata + Café", other special set meals may be offered too. Just check at each individual café.
P.S.: Pastel de nata (a Portuguese egg tart) - (singular) // Pastéis de Nata (plural)

Friday, 16 October 2015

葡萄牙住宿推介 - @ 佩尼切 (Peniche) / Recommendation on accommodation @ Peniche

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【葡萄牙住宿推介 - @ 佩尼切 (Peniche)】
【Recommendation on accommodation @ Peniche】

上回談到, 我最近去了一趟 Berlenga 大島遊玩, 由於去大島的船都是由 Peniche 出發, 而出發時間大多數是在早上 (最早一班, 如果夠乘客的話, 起航時間會是早上9點, 之後大概每隔半小時或1小時有船, 直到中午12時)。 所以除非您能一大清晨到達 Peniche, 再走到碼頭買船票, 否則就來不切搭船。我不想太趕, 而且也想了解清楚賣船票情況 (注意: 夏天旺季, 有可能買不到當天船票的), 所以安全起見, 在 Peniche 住宿一晚, 順便也遊遊 Peniche。

I said in my last post that I recently visited Berlenga Island. Ferries and boats to Berlenga Island all depart from Peniche, and departure times are mostly in the mornings, starting from 9am (in 30-minute or one-hour intervals until midday), so IF you can arrive in Peniche early in the morning and reach the pier to buy ferry or boat tickets and get aboard on that day, that's perfect. However, note that during the peak season (in the summer months), you may have to buy tickets one or even two days in advance. That would mean that you'll have to stay in Peniche for a night or so. So, I chose to stay one night in Peniche, sightsee the town and check the availability of the ferry tickets.

這間旅店,老闆娘不是全天在旅館內, 不過也不要緊, 她住在附近, 到達時給她打一個電話, 大約5分鐘左右她就到達 (形式就有點像我以前去意大利著名的五漁村小鎮 Cinque Terre 住宿差不多)。我是住獨立房間, 有衛浴, wifi接收得很好,房間還有電視,很不錯。我是在 訂房間的,不過大家 可直接跟老闆娘電郵訂房,可能價格會優惠一點也說不定。:-)

The hostess doesn't stay at the residencial all the time so you may have to give her a ring when you arrive at the residencial. Her phone number is wriiten at the entrance of her residencial and she lives nearby so she normally comes right away (the style of accommodation is similar to that in Cinque Terre in Italy). I stayed in an ensuite room, equipped with tv and good wifi. I booked this residencial via but you can book with her directly in email. She probably could offer you a better price than smile emoticon

資料/ Information:
旅館名稱/Name of hostel: Residencia Diamante Azul I (email: / Tel: 351-964155879)

Saturday, 10 October 2015

有趣愉快 ~ @里斯本動物園 / Fun and entertaining ~ @Lisbon Zoo / Jardim Zoológico de Lisboa

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【有趣愉快 ~ @里斯本動物園】
【Fun and entertaining ~ @Lisbon Zoo / Jardim Zoológico de Lisboa】

大概不少朋友會認為, 到動物園只是小朋友和一家大小遊樂的地方。它實在可也是一個帶給「大朋友」無比樂趣之地。

For many people, a zoo may just be a day for small kids and families. It's indeed such a fun and interesting place for people of all ages!

里斯本動物園是里斯本市裡其中一個我覺得很好玩的景點。能夠近距離接近各種我平常很少見得到的動物: 從鵜鶘鳥到班馬, 由黑猩猩和犀牛, 到罕見的白老虎和黑熊; 還有精彩的海豚及海獅表演, 和動物園提供的各類活動。走倦了, 像我一樣, 坐架空纜車從高空鳥瞰動物園和各種動物; 或坐小火車環遊動物園一圈。

一個放鬆、接近大自然世界(而實際上我是身在里斯本市中心!) 的一天, 太棒! 順便說句, 里斯本動物園歷史悠久, 成立於1884年, 已經開放超過130年了! 
smile emoticon

Lisbon Zoo is one of the very entertaining places that I have visited in Lisbon. Being close to a wide variety of species of animals that I rarely see: from pelicans to zebras, from chimpanzees and rhino, to rare white tigers and black bears. There are the exciting dolphin and sea lion shows, and other activities too that the zoo offers. If you get tired, take a ride in the cable car for great aerial views of the zoo and animals; or a fun train ride around the zoo as I did.
A relaxing and pleasant day out near the natural world (while indeed I was in the city centre of Lisbon)! How fantastic!

By the way, Lisbon Zoo was founded in 1884. That means it has been open for more than 130 years! smile emoticon