Sunday, 24 July 2016

連足球明星也光顧的男士懷舊經典理髮店@ Figaro's Barbershop, 里斯本 / Even big playball players have their haircuts and razor shaves done at Figaro's Barbershop Lisboa

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【連足球明星也光顧的男士懷舊經典理髮店 @ Figaro's Barbershop, 里斯本】

【Even big playball players have their haircuts and razor shaves done 
Figaro's Barbershop Lisboa】

嘩!連大球星碧咸 (David Beckham) 和葡萄牙國家隊鋼門 Rui Patricio (剛剛才在2016年歐國杯奪冠的功臣之一) 都光顧的理髮店! Figaro's Barbershop Lisboa!

Wow, even David Beckham and Rui Patricio (Portuguese Goalkeeper and 2016 European Champion) have their classic haircuts done at Figaro's Barbershop Lisboa!

這種理髮店, 充滿懷舊感, 令我聯想起在香港一些舊區間中見得到的上海式理髮店。Figaro's 的師傅們都擁有專業技術, 專長1920-1950年代的經典男士髮型和傳統以 “熱毛巾直剃刀" 刮鬍子。 師傅們長得年青又帥, 看他們的那張大合照, 型爆! Figaro's 更擁有自家髮型學院, 提供課堂教授學員專業傳統理髮和刮鬍子手藝。

This type of barber shop - full of nostalgia - reminds me of the old Shanghai-style barber shops I can still occasionally see in some old districts in Hong Kong. Figaro's is located right in the historical city heart of Lisbon, plus.... their barbers are young, chic and trendy. Have a look at their group photo. They've all got style! Figaro's is a men-only old school barbershop specialized in classic haircuts from 1920's to 1950's and hot towel straight razor shaves. They also have their own Academy, teaching both hairdressers and aficionados the arts and techniques of barbering.

Interested to go to Figaro's for a classic haircut or hot towel straight razor shave? 
Sources of Photos / 相片來源: The Official Facebook pages of Figaro's Barbershop Lisboa and David Beckham

Figaro's Barbershop 理髮店
Address / 地址: Rua do Alecrim 39, Lisbon
Tel / 電話: +351 21 347 0199

Friday, 22 July 2016

有關在里斯本的住宿問題 / About accommodation in Lisbon

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【About accommodation in Lisbon】

請留意, 這篇文章只有中文。
Note: this post is about my personal ideas and suggestions on staying in Lisbon: choosing an accommodation to fit your needs. But sorry... there's no English version for this post, given the length of the post (it would be too long if I type both Chinese and English). But still, any questions and comments are very welcome. Apologies to the English readers here.

正值旅遊旺季, 近日我收到一些讀者朋友們私下詢問有關住宿的問題。或者我在這裡談談, 跟大家分享一下我有的資訊。

如果大家在進入葡萄牙後就立刻開車, 不需要拉著行李箱或背背包, 那可選擇距離市中心遠一點的, 住宿價格會低一點, 但是, 每天就要花些時間開車到不到景點、泊好車子再去玩。切記, 不要將任何包包留在車子可給外人見到的地方, 否則有可能吸引賊人, 打破車玻璃偷竊。另外, 之前有人問過開車去Sintra (辛特拉) 方便嗎? 我的意見是: 盡量不要在周末、假日和旺季時開車到辛特拉, 我和朋友們試過一次, 駕車在辛特拉為找車位找了接近一小時, 而且有些時候, 鎮交通非常擠塞, 人都差點被搞到瘋了!

如果你是拉行李箱或背背包, 而行李又比較笨重, 就會提議你要更小心選擇住宿旅館的區域。雖然 Alfama (阿法瑪) 區部分旅館的住宿費可能便宜一點, 但大家要考慮這區小路很多, 路又上上落落, 有些地方實在很不好找, 加上, Alfama區入夜後大家要小心治安, 也擔心大家易迷路, 因此選擇此區住宿要有心理準備。

我以往要在里斯本租旅館住的話, 都一定選在地鐵站附近, 一來走動方便, 二來就算玩到很晚, 乘地鐵、怎至坐計程車也很方便。至於住近那個地鐵站附近, 我個人經驗是: 最旺最方便必然是在 Rossio (羅西烏廣場)、 Restauradores (復興廣場) 和 Baixa-Chiado 一帶, 雖然房租價格會略高一點, 但就省回不少搭車時間。如果大家在里斯本國際機場到達後, 會打算乘坐機場巴士的話, 其中一條機場巴士路線是會停 Rossio (羅西烏廣場) 和 Restauradores (復興廣場) 一帶, 所以十分方便。

如果大家在里斯本停留時, 計劃作很多一、兩天的火車旅程, 那可考慮住宿在Santa Apolonia 或 Oriente 一帶, 這兩個地方都有地鐵站, 而且是火車大站, 是前往北部, 比如 Coimbra 和 Porto火車的必經之站。但如果你會在 Oriente 附近住宿, 又會常搭大巴去其他城鎮作一天遊, 例如 Fátima (花地瑪) 遊玩的話, 要留意: 這區跟巴士總站 Sete Rios (地鐵站: Jardim Zoológico 里斯本動物園站) 有點距離, 要預留多點時間搭乘和轉換地鐵。

能夠的話, 未出發前先在你的智能電話或 Ipad之類安裝一個良好的網上地圖, 更好的是一個 offline (不用上網) 也能用到的, 方便找旅館位置。

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

波圖美麗古老的 Livraria Lello & Irmão Bookshop 書店將成為《哈利波特和被詛咒的孩子 - 第一及第二部曲》新書推廣的世界首發地 / Livraria Lello & Irmão Bookshop chosen as the world premiere to launch Harry Potter's latest book

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【波圖美麗古老的 Livraria Lello & Irmão Bookshop 書店將成為《哈利波特和被詛咒的孩子 - 第一及第二部曲》新書推廣的世界首發地】
【Livraria Lello & Irmão Bookshop chosen as the world premiere to launch Harry Potter's latest book】

7月31日, 位於波圖、曾被世界知名旅遊書 Lonly Planet 評選為全球十大最美書店之一的古老書店 Livraria Lello & Irmão, 將成為《哈利波特和被詛咒的孩子 - 第一及第二部曲》新書推廣的世界首發地。Livraria Lello & Irmão 書店據說也是《哈利波特》系列的作者 - J.K.羅琳創作這風靡全球的小說系列的靈感泉源之地。:-)

On July 31, the world premiere for the book "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Parts I & II," - the latest book in the Harry Potter saga - will take place at the renowned Livraria Lello & Irmão Bookshop in Porto - one of the oldest bookshops all over Portugal and has been named by Lonely Planet as one of 'The Ten Most Beautiful Bookstores in the world'. It is also said to be a place of inspiration for the writing of J.K. Rowling - the author for the Harry Potter series. 
在7月30日晚上10時, 書店先會舉行一個別開生面的派對晚會, 鼓勵粉絲們化裝和打扮成他們最喜愛的哈利波特人物造型參加派對, 派對上會有各種魔法活動。 而時間到達7月31日凌晨12時, 粉絲們就可以開始購買新書, 先睹為快!

At 10pm on July 30, a party will be held featuring various Harry Potter characters and magic potions and activities. Livraria Lello encourages fans to come and dress up for the occasion. Then at midnight on July 31, fans will be able to buy the English version of the book!

新書《哈利波特和被詛咒的孩子 - 第一及第二部曲》其實是作家 Jack Thorne, 根據《哈利波特》原著系列創作而成的同名舞台劇官方劇本書。故事的發生時間, 正是第七本小說《哈利波特與死亡聖器》發生的19年後。此時, 哈利波特已經是魔法部的一位職員, 以及三位小孩的父親了, 故事是有關他和他最小的孩子Albus 的。

"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Parts I & II" - written by Jack Thorne and based on the original series by J.K. Rowling and John Tiffany - is actually an official script book of the play by the same name. The story is set exactly nineteen years after the events of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," telling about Harry Potter, now a Ministry of Magic employee, and his youngest son, Albus Severus.

Livraria Lello & Irmão 在1881年開業至今。精美的雕刻樓梯、五彩玻璃的天窗, 活像哈利波特故事裡的場景, 到裡頭參觀, 會令人流連忘返。據說當年當J.K.羅琳在波圖教授英語期間, 經常有空就在書店的咖啡角裡寫小說。:-)

Livraria Lello & Irmão has been running since 1881. The bookshop is said to be frequented by J.K. Rowling when she taught English in Porto.