1) 葡萄牙的長途巴士準時嗎? 有常誤點嗎?
我的意見: 一般來說, 搭大城鎮間的長途巴, 比如 里斯本來往波圖、花地瑪、科英布拉 (Coimbra) 等, 都算很準時, 有心理預備如遇遲到, 會遲5-15分鐘左右, 但小鎮之間的巴士或會有機會間歇性脫班, 所以我會提議大家避免搭尾班車, 因為如果脫班了的話, 你可會非常麻煩。( 例如在 Cabo da Roca看完歐洲大陸盡頭風景, 就趕在黃昏太陽下山前搭巴士離開, 那邊晚上會是叫天不應的啊!)
1) Are long distance buses in Portugal generally punctual?
My opinion: In general, buses between big cities and towns, for example between Lisbon and Porto, Lisbon and Fátima; and Lisbon and Coimbra, they are usually punctual and you may expect a delay (if there's a delay) of around 5 to 15 minutes. But please be prepared for an opportunity of buses arriving and departing behind schedules in small towns. Therefore, I'd advise you to avoid taking the last bus of the day (e.g. don't leave too late after enjoying the beautiful scenery at Cabo da Roca. You will really be in a trouble if you miss the last bus of the day there!)
2) 大家或許想利用網上巴士官網站預購巴士票, 我有朋友這樣做過 (我自己就從來只即日或出發前一兩天才到巴士總站購票), 網購的確方便, 而且早預購或有折扣優惠。不過要留意巴士公司對網上購票的限制, 根據葡萄牙全國最大長途巴士公司 Rede Expressos在其官網所列舉的條例, 網上預訂的巴士票不能退票和不能更改出發日期。換句話說, 如你購票後行程有變, 你在網上已購買了的票可能作廢! 所以請務必查閱清楚巴士公司的各項條款。
我上年個人經驗: 我在巴士總站買了一張第二天10:00 出發 (里斯本去 Peniche 的巴士票) 。 因為事故我遲到了4分鐘,長途巴士準時的開走了! (所以準時起來他們的效率可是驚人呵, 哈哈)。
我立刻排隊向職員查詢, 她不用我補錢,立刻補發新票,等下班巴士 11:45, 實在很開心。但我後來查看他們的網頁, 是說補票要罰款的....所以我不知道當時職員是否網開一面呢?
2) Some of you may want to buy bus tickets with the bus companies (e.g. Rede expressos) through the internet. While many bus companies very often offer special discounts for online bus ticket purchases and you would save some money on transportation, do please pay attention to the rules and regulations adhered to this type of promotional offers. Very often,there are limitations or restrictions on refunds of unused bus tickets or change of departure dates. Make sure you have already read and understand those limitations and restrictions before any purchase.
3) 葡萄牙的長途巴士通常都有座位, 不常爆滿, 但遇上大節日如聖誕節, 或地方大節慶 - 例如花地瑪每年5月-10月的13日有大型宗教活動, 有機會買不到車票, 所以盡量早點買好來回票。
3) There are usually seats available on Portuguese long distance buses, but
be careful if you are travelling during big festivals such as Christmas, and local festival periods, e.g. every 13th of the month between May and October, there are religious activities (i.e. parades) in Fátima. There are thousands of pilgrims, so make sure you have your round trip tickets with you already well before your departure.
希望這篇文章能幫到大家, 祝大家在葡萄牙旅途愉快。:-)
I hope this post will be able to help you all. Have a safe and happy journey in Portugal! :-)