Tuesday 20 September 2016

在葡萄牙買葡萄酒 / Buying wines in Portugal

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如果你喜歡飲葡萄酒的話, 在葡萄牙旅遊時必定要品嘗一下, 更可以買些回國。在那裡可以買得到葡萄酒呢?

If you enjoy drinking grape wine, then you must try some when you're travelling in Portugal. Some tourists even buy and take home bottles of Portuguese-made grape wines. Where can you actually buy wines?
基本上, 不少大型超級市場已經有很多選擇, 在大城市如里斯本和波圖, 市中心也有很多賣酒的專門店。

Basically, there are plenty of choices from local supermarkets. In such large cities as Lisbon and Porto, you can easily find liquor stores in the city centre.
如果大家在里斯本想買些酒回旅館喝, 或帶回國, 提議大家可到 Centro Colombo 購物中心 (Centro Colombo Shopping Mall)裡的 Continente超級市場, 那間超市規模極大, 而售酒的部分酒的種類很多, 除葡萄牙國內不同的紅、白酒、砵酒等, 也供應國外進口的杜松子酒、威士忌等。

If you're in Lisbon, you may try to get some wines at Continente supermarket in Centro Colombo shopping mall. This is a huge supermarket with a wide selection of wines produced in Portugal. Other imported liquors such as gin and whisky can be found in there too.

How to get to Continente supermarket at Centro Colombo / 如何到達哥倫布購物中心裡的 Continente 超級市場 :

Continente Supermarket
Centro Colombo
Metro / 地鐵: Colégio Militar / Luz 地鐵站 (Blue Line / 地鐵藍線)

如果在波圖, 要找賣酒的地方更容易, 因為波圖的 Douro Valley是世界著名的砵酒發源地, 每年均盛產很多質優的砵酒。大家在參觀當地酒莊、酒窖時可順道購買, 或者在波圖和對岸的 Vila Nova de Gaia 市中心也有不少售賣酒類的店舖。

要注意, 一般他們賣酒都只給你一個膠袋甚至紙袋載著那瓶酒, 不會有保護包裝包著玻璃瓶, 因此如你想購買一些放在行李箱或背包帶回國, 當必要用厚厚的棉衣或有氣泡的包裝紙 (自己出發來葡萄牙前早有準備) 先包好, 並緊緊的放在行李裡, 以免打破。

Saúde! (飲勝!) 

Places selling liquor are very easy to find in Porto too, especially because of the big fame of Douro Valley - the birthplace of the world-famous port wine. Each year, high quality port wines are produced in Douro Valley, then stored and aged in Vila Nova de Gaia. If you're visiting local wineries in Vila Nova de Gaia, take the opportunity to buy some good wines. Or otherwise, grab some when you happen to see a liquor shop while touring around city centre Porto.

Note that in general, shops selling liquors usually only give you a paper bag or plastic bag for you to carry the bottle of wine. No protective wraps or packaging is provided, so if you want to buy some and pack in your luggage or backpack to carry back to your own country, it is necessary for you to wrap your bottle of wine with some thick coats or good bubble wraps (bought in your own country before coming to Portugal). And then place it tightly in your luggage to avoid breaking.

Saúde! (Cheers!) 

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