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【波圖的老牌地道西餅麵包店 /餐廳: Confeitaria do Bolhão】
【The historical local pastry shop and restaurant in Porto: Confeitaria do Bolhão】

一間西餅麵包店能夠迄立不倒超過100年, 真是非常難得。創立於1896年的Confeitaria do Bolhão, 餅店的門面也許不太吸引, 但櫥窗展示着的各式各樣的糕店, 絕對「吸睛」!
It's not easy at all for any bakery or pastry shop to stand the test of time for over 100 years, and Confeitaria do Bolhão made it. Founded in 1896, Confeitaria do Bolhão probably lacks a charming look, but certainly it possesses a simple and decent content. Have a look at the window display and you will be impressed by the wide variety of mouth-watering cakes and pastries it makes every day!
那天我慕名去朝聖, 由於西餅店早上6點就開門營業 (逢星期天休息) , 為把握來波圖的旅遊時間, 也想避開繁忙時間和稍後的人潮, 就提早一點8:30a.m. 來吃早餐。
這裡的鮮榨果汁很受顧客歡迎, 不過我則試了傳統的葡式咖啡 galão。 在葡萄牙時已經習慣了喝 galão, 所以很想嘗嘗 Confeitaria do Bolhão 所弄的 galão, 味道會是如何, 結果是, 好味道! 試過他們的麵包, 很新鮮。
The other day, I had a pilgrim tour to Confeitaria do Bolhão. It opens very early the day for business - at 6am (note: it closes on Sundays) - so in order to grasp the time while I was in Porto and also to try to to avoid the crowds during peak hours, I went there for breakfast at around 8:30a.m. that day.
Freshly squeezed juices are one of shoppers' popular choices, but I tried the traditional Portuguese coffee galão instead. It tasted well. The pastry I had was freshly made and was nice too.
有興趣的話, 大家也可去嘗嘗他們的午餐, 價格很實惠。
If you're interested, you may also go and try their lunch, which is of good value too.
Confeitaria do Bolhão 西餅麵包店 /餐廳:
Address / 地址: Rua Formosa 339 (Formosa 街339號)
(Just opposite 'Mercado do Bolhão' / 就在 Bolhão 街市的對面)
Business hours / 開放時間:
(Mondays to Saturdays / 星期一至六) 06:00–20:00
(Sundays / 星期日) Closed 休館