Tuesday 25 October 2016

輕鬆慢遊波圖 - 坐電車 / "Slow travel in Porto" - a relaxing tram ride

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【輕鬆慢遊波圖 - 坐電車】
【"Slow travel in Porto" - a relaxing tram ride】

用坐電車的方法去看波圖市中心, 感覺實在寫意又輕鬆。

波圖有怎麼好看? 一趟懷舊電車遊: 看看街上的古舊建築物、路過的行人、怎至只是聽聽電車為提醒路人和其他車輪而發出的清脆的「叮叮聲」, 簡單隨意而舒服。


A pleasant and relaxing way to see the daily life of Porto.

Hop onto a nostalgic tram and take in the views of the historic buildings along the way, the passers-by who are strolling on the streets, and even just listen to the silvery tinkles from the tram. Simple, casual and comfortable.

Life should be like this. :-D

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