Thursday, 24 November 2016

高談闊論 : 大家可有用過飛行里數換取免費機票的經驗?

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【高談闊論 : 大家可有用過飛行里數換取免費機票的經驗?】
【Discussion: Has anyone ever redeemed a free air ticket using airline mileage points before? 】
能夠有張免費機票去葡萄牙旅行, 真省回不少旅費, 不知大家可有這些幸福經驗可分享一下呢? 我試過好幾次以飛行里數兌換免費機票, 所謂免費, 是因為之前用不同的方法去努力儲里數。而兌換機票時, 也不是真的完全免費, 航空公司是會收取一點費用, 就是手續費和燃油附加費了。

How great to be able to travel to Portugal with a free round-trip air ticket. Has anyone ever had such a wonderful experience before and would like to share with us?

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

傳統道地甜櫻桃酒 @Ginjinha Sem Rival Bar / Local cherry flavoured liquor @Ginjinha Sem Rival Bar

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【傳統道地甜櫻桃酒 @Ginjinha Sem Rival Bar】
【Local cherry flavoured liquor @Ginjinha Sem Rival Bar】

在葡萄牙 (特別是在里斯本), 有一樣很多當地人會做的事情, 就是喝甜櫻桃酒 (葡萄牙語: ginjinha 或簡稱 ginja), 很多旅客也會慕名品嘗一下。在里斯本, 除了鼎鼎大名的 'A Ginjinha'之外, 另一間同樣著名的, 就是 Ginjinha Sem Rival。

There is one thing that many Portuguese do (especially in Lisbon) - taking a shot of ginjinha. Ginjinha (or simply ginja) is a strong cherry flavoured liquor. Besides the well-known 'A Ginjinha' that attracts loads of locals and tourists every day, there's also the equally famous 'Ginjinha Sem Rival' bar located in central Lisbon that is worth a visit.

售賣櫻桃酒的店子一般面積很小, 客人都是買了一杯酒後就在門外附近站著喝, 形成門外聚集了一大班人, 氣氛不錯。買小杯櫻桃酒時, 店員會問你要不要有櫻桃在酒裡 (葡萄牙語: 要 com ; 不要 sem)。不要小看一小杯櫻桃酒, 其酒精度頗高, 而且很甜 (因為在泡製過程中加入了很多糖)。大家小心喝醉呀! :

The places where Ginjinha is served are usually very tiny. People pop in to buy a glass and then will have to pop out and drink outside. Served in small glasses, you have the option to taste ginjinha with or without a cherry in your glass (in Portuguese: with is 'com', without is 'sem'). Be careful not to get drunk as ginjinha is a strong liquor of quite high alcoholic volume and large amount of sugar.
Enjoy drinking ginjinha! 

相關資料 / Information:
Ginjinha Sem Rival Bar / 櫻桃酒酒吧
地址 / Address: Rua Das Portas de Santo Antao, 7 - Baixa, Lisbon
電話號碼 / +351 21 346 8231

Saturday, 5 November 2016

The Venice of Portugal - Aveiro / 葡萄牙的威尼斯 - 阿威羅

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【The Venice of Portugal - Aveiro】
【葡萄牙的威尼斯 - 阿威羅】

不要搞錯, 這裡不是意大利的威尼斯, 而是被葡萄牙人稱為「葡萄牙的威尼斯」的小鎮阿威羅。😀

Don't be mistaken. This is not Venice of Italy, but the "Venice of Portugal" that has been named by many Portuguese. This is the small town of Aveiro. :

跟威尼斯相似的地方是, 阿威羅同樣有運河迂迴穿插鎮中心, 加上運河兩旁古老建築和昔日漁民留下的房子, 以及河上七彩繽紛的小木船 (葡萄牙語稱作 moliceiros), 是葡萄牙國內一個獨一無二的迷人地方。

Similar to Venice, expansive canals and lagoon weave their ways around and through the town of Aveiro, lined with elegant buildings and former fishermen houses, and colourfully decorated boats (called 'moliceiros' in Portuguese), making Aveiro a unique and charming place in Portugal.