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【來來來! 陽光與海灘屬於葡萄牙!】@Lagos
【Here we go! The Sun and the beaches belong to Portugal!】@ Lagos
早陣子有網友私下查詢問我一些關於南部的資料, 趁現在有點時間先談一談。Algarve地方很大沿岸都是沙灘, 是喜歡陽光的朋友們不容錯過的地方。當中有好多地方要開車才能到達, 不過也有其他的是搭巴士都去得到。
I was asked in a private message sometime ago about travelling in the south of Portugal. I'd like to make use of this opportunity to talk a little bit about the Algarve. With the long coastline of Portugal, one can enjoy the beautiful sandy beaches in particularly the south of Portugal, namely the Algarve. There are quite many places which are only accessible by cars, but there are also many others that can be reached by public transports.
快點計劃去南部啦! 說葡萄牙很悶沒東西看的人是因為他們根本都不懂得葡萄牙! 不做道聽途說的人, 自己發掘葡萄牙的好去處啦!

Go plan your sunshine trip of Portugal! Many people who have only been to Portugal very briefly said it's a boring country. No! They said so because they don't really know much about the country. Don't just listen to what others say. Go and explore Portugal by yourself and see the nice side of it.