Tuesday 11 April 2017

羅卡角的日落景致 / Sunset views at Cabo da Roca

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【Sunset views at Cabo da Roca】

貴為歐洲大陸最西端的羅卡角 (Cabo da Roca), 它的日落景致真的很壯觀, 推薦大家有時間的話來欣賞感受一下這大自然的美。

Cabo da Roca - the most westerly point of mainland Europe with spectacular sunset views. Highly recommended to come and enjoy this natural beauty.

「陸止於此、海始於斯」- 葡萄牙詩人賈梅士 (Luís de Camões) 如此形容此地 (句子刻在景點的石刻上)。

“Aqui, onde a terra se acaba e o mar começa.”(Here, where the land ends and the sea begins) - this is how poet Luís de Camões describes the place on a stone plaque at the site.

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