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【Pré-pagamento 請先付款】
【Pré-pagamento - Prepayment】
在店舖見到這個標誌, 即是說: “請您先付款買東西”, 最通常見得到這個標誌的場所, 是以自助形式營運的食店, 比如快餐店、油站的美食區、地鐵站內的小食亭等, 我拍的這張照片, 則是在里斯本著名的雪糕店Santini's裡, 意謂 - 「請先排隊付錢買gelado, 然後慢慢享用」。
This sign, which means "Prepayment - Please pay first", is most often seen at self-service eateries, such as fast food shops, food courts inside petrol stations and snack bars inside metro stations, etc.. In this photo which I took, you can see a big “Pré-pagamento” sign. It appeared at Santini's - a famous gelado (ice cream) shop in Lisbon.
下次您見到這個大告示牌「Pré-pagamento」, 就應當知怎麼做了。 

Next time you see this big sign「Pré-pagamento」, you know what to do first. 

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