Monday 13 November 2017

名牌品以外 ~ 在葡萄牙購物 / Shopping in Portugal ~ Besides shopping for luxury goods

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【名牌品以外 ~ 在葡萄牙購物】
【Shopping in Portugal ~ Besides shopping for luxury goods】

雖然葡萄牙不像意大利或法國, 不是世界名牌的重要設計和產地, 但其實在葡萄牙首都里斯本, 以及一些城市, 例如 Aveiro和南部的渡假勝地阿爾布費拉(Albufeira)等, 也能買到很多國際品牌的物品。在里斯本的自由大道 (Avenida da Liberdade),就是一條國內著名的名店街, 這條街道也被稱為葡萄牙版的 “香榭麗舍大道”, 有眾多國際大品牌進註。

Although Portugal is not a major place for the design and production of famous designer labels, there are various areas in big cities and small towns such as Aveiro and Albufeira (in the Algarve) where you can shop for expensive designer jobbies. Avenida da Liberdade (Liberty Avenue in English) in Lisbon city centre is one of the country's most famous shopping avenues.
至於想買具葡萄牙特色的紀念品, 就一定要買一些葡萄牙瓷磚畫 (葡萄牙語稱作 azulejos)或以軟木製成的產品 (我以前有介紹過葡萄牙軟木產品, 大家可爬舊文章)。葡萄牙人已製作 azulejos 超過五個世紀, 葡萄牙瓷磚絕對是葡萄牙文化的重要一部分!

To buy souvenirs with Portugal character, I highly recommend Portuguese ceramic tiles (called azulejos in Portuguese) and cork products (I have posted an article before on Portuguese cork products, check my previous posts if you are interested).

記得有一回我在小鎮 Nazaré遊玩時, 就見到不少小商店販售穿著當地傳統服裝的洋娃娃, 十分可愛。對於我這種不太購買名牌品的人來說, 這些洋娃娃更具紀念價值。:-)

I remember once I visited Nazaré and I saw plenty of cute and beautiful dolls in traditional local costumes that were sold in souvenir stores. For someone like me who isn't so fond of designer labels, those dolls surely have much higher commemorative value. 

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