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烤沙甸魚 (葡萄牙文: sardinhas assadas) ~~ 絕對能夠代表葡萄牙的一種傳統美食。 追溯歷史, 早於15世紀, 意大利的薩丁島 (Sardinia) 附近一帶水域, 因為沙甸魚這種魚類產量豐富, 而被當地人補獲, 當地人直接稱之作 Sardines (沙甸魚)。 而因為葡萄牙國家海岸線長,西部瀕臨大西洋, 也是沙甸魚的盛產地。
葡萄牙沙甸魚來自北大西洋深海,純淨水質使沙甸魚質素超高, 魚的肉質更為甜美新鮮,而因為產量豐富, 產量每年達十萬噸之多! 因此在葡萄牙吃沙甸魚, 價格實在很實惠。 沙甸魚含有豐富營養, 包括DHA、 鈣質、 Omega-3和各種礦物質。
烤沙甸魚是葡萄牙人最流行的煮食方法, 大家到餐廳吃飯, 普遍都會在餐牌上見到 "Grilled Sardines"這個菜式。今天我在里斯本吃到的這個 Grilled Sardines, 只需6歐羅! 大家下次到葡萄牙旅行, 記緊一定要吃烤沙甸魚呢!
Jamie Oliver, a British celebrity chef, wrote in his personal blog, "Sardines play an important role in Portuguese culture. Having been a people who depended heavily on the sea for food and commerce, the Portuguese have a predilection for fish in their popular festivities. The most important is Saint Anthony's day, 13th June, when the biggest popular festival takes place in Lisbon, taking the people to the streets where grilled sardines are the snack of choice. Almost every place in Portugal, from Figueira da Foz to Portalegre, or from Póvoa de Varzim to Olhão has the summertime popular tradition of eating grilled sardines (sardinhas assadas)."
Remember to savour every mouthful of the sardines that you will have next time when you are in Portugal!
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