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【Urban art @ Lisbon】
要欣賞藝術, 無需一定要走入博物館、藝術館的。 它們可以很容易就在開放的公共場所供大家隨時欣賞! 不需要入場費, 不需要排隊入場, 更可以喜歡隨時就走去欣賞, 沒有時間限制!

You don't have to walk into museums or a Museum of Art to appreciate art. They can just be easily appreciated in open public locations! No entrance fee is required, no q
ueuing up for admission. Just go over at any time you like to appreciate art as there are no opening time limits.

街頭藝術一直是里斯本藝術的一份子。對我來說, 街頭藝術可不是大家一般所想的塗鴉, 亂塗一遍。就像這幾個巨型的外牆創作, 其實是幾個葡萄牙優秀的街頭藝術工作者, 在一個稱為 "Crono Project" 的藝術項目中, 被委托在里斯本市一個商業區的幾座被棄置的大厦外牆, 創作巨型的精采和充滿活力的藝術畫作。
smile emoticon
Urban art has long been a part of Lisbon's culture. It is, to me, different from simply graffiti. Just like this collection of huge facade paintings. In a project called "Crono Project", some of the finest local Portuguese urban artists were commissioned to decorate the facades of some abandoned buildings in a busy business district , turning them into some vibrant creative public art displays.

Try to look for urban art displays in centre Lisbon!