Friday 25 December 2015

TV programmes in Portugal / 葡萄牙的電視節目

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【TV programmes in Portugal】

葡萄牙的電視節目, 當然是以葡萄牙語為主。 但他們電視台有一樣是很好的, 就是, 他們播放外語片時, 會原聲播放, 不會配音, 而會有葡萄牙語字幕。 除了荷里活電影外, 有次我還看到電視播放成龍的電影, 完全是廣東話播放, 很有趣。

TV programmes in Portugal are of course mainly in Portuguese. One good thing about the TV channels in Portugal is that non-Portuguese films that they show are not dubbed. They are aired in original languages and Portuguese subtitles are used instead. Besides Hollywood films, I once watched Jacky Chan speaking Cantonese in a Hong Kong-made film on Portuguese TV.

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