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【杜羅河谷火車遊 @ Pinhão】
【Douro valley train rides @ Pinhão】
嚴格來說, Pinhão 這小鎮並沒有怎麼景點 (除了風光如畫的葡萄園景致和參觀葡萄莊園), 最震撼是乘坐火車一到站, 見到站的整幅牆壁上都掛滿了漂亮的傳統葡萄牙藍白色瓷磚畫, 瓷磚畫描繪了許多不同的場景, 包括 Pinhão 的葡萄園山景、農民耕作、工人收割葡萄等。
Strictly speaking, Pinhão does not offer much to see itself, besides its superb vineyard scenery and visits to the Quintas). Upon arriving at the train station, one will be amazed by the delightful painted blue and white ceramic tiles covering the external walls of the train station. The tile paintings depict various scenes, including Pinhão sloping vineyards, panorama of Pinhão, farmers working on the farms and workers harvesting grapes etc..