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【About Metro @ Porto】
波圖的地鐵系統很現代化和新穎, 而且都有很清楚的指示牌, 分成A至F六線, 以不同顏色顯示 (藍、紅、綠、黃、紫、橙)。 波圖地鐵系統有一樣東西較特別, 就是, 它們的地鐵出入口, 是採取開放式的! 也即是說, 使用地鐵是靠乘客自律買票。
我不敢以身試法不買票... 一來自認膽小, 二來如被捉到罰款額不少。以前在意大利時曾見過幾次有亞洲遊客被地鐵職員捉到沒有買票, 當時罰款已是50歐元! 聽說意大利地鐵、巴士由於發現不少亞洲旅客不買票上車, 所以集中抽查亞洲旅客。 我暫時沒有聽說過葡萄牙地鐵同樣這樣做, 但遵守法律買票就肯定安心, 另外, 請記緊上車前先將票拍卡生效。
I do not dare to defy the law ...I had seen several times when I was on the metro in Italy that Asian tourists got caught by metro staff for not travelling with validated tickets, and were each fined 50 euros! There have been rumours that the Italian train and metro authorities found that many Asian tourists didn't buy tickets and therefore they have inspectors making surprise checks on trams at all hours, targeting in particular Asian tourists. I'm not sure if it's the same in Portugal, but obeying the law and buying tickets is the only secured way travelling on the metro. BTW, remember to validate your tickets before boarding.
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