Friday 15 January 2016

杜羅河谷火車遊 / Douro valley train rides

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【Douro valley train rides】

杜羅河谷 - 砵酒的發源地。

Douro Valley - the birthplace of Port Wine.

遊覽杜羅河谷, 就是為了欣賞河谷兩岸風光、到酒莊參觀和品嘗各種在此地一帶所生產的葡萄牙餐酒和砵酒。要到杜羅河谷, 可以從波圖市中心乘坐郵輪, 或由São Bento Railway Station 開出前往 Duoro Valley 的火車, 兩個方法各有特色。當然開車更理想。這天我就坐火車, 沿著Douro River 杜羅河, 前往 Duoro Valley 的小村莊 Pinhão。

Visiting the renowned Douro Valley wine region is so much fun! Enjoy the majestic views on a cruise or a train ride. One major attraction of Douro Valley must be joining some quinta and wine tasting tours. "Quintas" are farms that produce Portuguese port and table wines. Driving in a car along the Douro Valley gives even more flexibility, of course. This day, I visited a small village called Pinhão in the Douro Valley by train.

火車在下午1:15 從波圖的 Campanhã railway station 火車站準時開出, 沿著杜羅河行駛, 大約3:45到達 Pinhão火車站。 要欣賞絕佳風景, 提議大家坐在右邊位置。Pinhão 很小, 到達後大家可立刻 步行或坐車去個別的 quintas 參觀和試酒, 或周圍走走欣賞風景也很不錯。

My train departed from Porto-Campanhã Railway Station at 1:15pm sharp. Spectacular riverside journey for most of the trip. Suggested to sit on right hand side of trains for best views. My train arrived at Pinhão Railway Station at about 3:45pm. Upon arrival in Pinhão (it's a small village), you can walk or take a cab to visit quintas. Or you may choose to simply just have a picnic at the riverside and enjoy the scenic views of the Douro Valley.

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