Wednesday 10 February 2016

北方小城 Viana do Castelo (維亞娜堡) / The northern town of Viana do Castelo

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【北方小城 Viana do Castelo (維亞娜堡)】
【The northern town of Viana do Castelo】

從波圖 (Porto) 坐火車 到北部的小城 Viana do Castelo 來個一天遊。由於太早起床, 所以在火車上不知不覺地睡著了, 到總站還不知道, 幸好有位友善美麗的年輕女子輕拍我一下, 叫醒我下車!

smile emoticon
I took a one-day trip by train from Porto to the town of Viana do Castelo. As I departed from Porto too early in the morning, I fell into sleep unwittingly and didn't even realise it when the train arrived in Viana do Castelo. A friendly beautiful young woman patted me lightly to wake me up, fortunately!
smile emoticon
聖路西亞宗座聖殿 (Basilica of Santa Luzia) 是來到維亞娜堡這個城鎮參觀必遊景點之一。 聳立在聖路西亞 (Monte de Santa Luzia) 山上那巨大、圓頂新拜占庭式建築的聖路西亞宗座聖殿, 仿照法國巴黎聖心大教堂而修建。 爬上宗座聖殿頂部, 就能俯瞰優美的維亞娜堡城鎮和利馬河口風景。

Surmounted on the Monte de Santa Luzia is the massive Basilica of Santa Luzia - inspired by the Sacré Coeur de Montmartre in Paris - is a must-see for anyone visiting Viana do Castelo. Go up to the top of the Basilica and one can appreciate the exceptional panoramic views over the town and the river Lima mouth.

(第一張相片來自網上: / Source of the first

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