Tuesday, 25 July 2017

有關在里斯本吃素菜 / About having vegetarian food in Lisbon

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【About having vegetarian food in Lisbon】

近來又回復忙碌狀態, 卻突然想起有讀者問過我, 可否介紹在里斯本的素菜館。現在想起了問題卻又找不到是誰問過, 真的很抱歉。

里斯本很多餐廳都提供素菜選擇, 而有些素菜館的質素也很好。如有人有興趣想知的話, 我可寫一點, 推薦一間, 不過不知道大家對素食可有興趣 (因為大家來葡萄牙玩, 我推想, 最想吃的可能會是海鮮、蛋撻之類)。

Monday, 10 July 2017

現場直擊 @里斯本 ~ Pão de Deus + Bolo de Berlim + 鮮橙汁 / Live @ Lisbon ~ Pão de Deus + Bolo de Berlim + fresh orange juice

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[現場直擊 @里斯本 ~ Pão de Deus + Bolo de Berlim + 鮮橙汁]
[Live @ Lisbon ~ Pão de Deus + Bolo de Berlim + fresh orange juice]

除了風景, 不忘美食。迷你版Bolo de Berlim適合胃口小的朋友, 如我。

Apart from the beautiful summer days, there is of course great food. Mini Bolo de Berlim
is suitable for someone like me who has a small stomach but wanna try everything, LOL.

Friday, 7 July 2017

現場直擊 ~ Matosinhos吃鮮烤沙甸魚 / [Live @Matosinhos ~ freshly grilled sardines for lunch

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[現場直擊 ~ Matosinhos吃鮮烤沙甸魚]
[Live @Matosinhos ~ freshly grilled sardines for lunch]

離開波圖市, 只需搭地鐵, 半小時就來到沿海小鎮Matosinhos, 以漁業為主, 鎮內有很多間以新鮮打撈回來即煮海鮮的餐廳, 而且價錢不昂貴, 在波圖市遊玩之餘可考慮來Matosinhos 走走。

除鮮美海鮮外, 這裡更有一個大海灘, 先暢泳一番再來海鮮餐就perfect了。

Only 30 minutes by metro from Porto brings you to the small fishing village of Matosinhos - famous for its freshly caught and cooked seafood. Apart from its delicious seafood, don't forget to have a swim at the big beach here. At least stroll along the seaside for a while even if you are not a beach goer. You'd enjoy the place. 

Sunday, 2 July 2017

現場直擊 ~ 巴士之旅途經上杜羅河谷 / Live ~ A bus trip which passes through the Alto Douro area

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[現場直擊 ~ 巴士之旅途經上杜羅河谷]
[Live ~ A bus trip which passes through the Alto Douro area]

這次巴士之旅是意想不到的 - 途經上杜羅河谷, 繞經無數種植葡萄的葡萄園山丘, 眼前的盡是葡萄園優美風光, 而巴士費卻不需4歐。

This bus trip offers some exceptional and awesome scenery of the Alto Douro Valley. And the bus fare is less than €4.00, bringing me from Vila Real to Régua. 

自拍片長1分36秒, 放上臉書後, 解像度變得很低 

The video clip I took lasts for 1 minute 36 seconds. The resolution of this video, after being uploaded onto Facebook, has become very low  

Saturday, 1 July 2017

現場直擊 ~ 在富歷史的甜點店歎咖啡&甜點 @Vila Real / Live @Vila Real ~ Enjoying galão & pastries at historical café

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[現場直擊 ~ 在富歷史的甜點店歎咖啡&甜點 @Vila Real]
[Live @Vila Real ~ Enjoying galão & pastries at historical café]
從1925年開業, 這間甜點店/咖啡館是本地人和旅客們喜愛光顧之地, 夏天來到, 餐廳外的露天座位更是座無虛設, 非常熱鬧。

此店其中熱賣是 Cristas de Galo (名字由來是因甜點外貌像公雞的雞冠)和Covilhetes (是鹹點!), 都是Vila Real這帶地方的名物。

還好我到時, 時間還早, 座位很多, 未到11am, 就裡面和露天座位都坐滿人了, 厲害。

Established in 1925, this café is popular among locals and tourists. Cristas de Galo and Covilhetes are some of the typical pastries of the region of Vila Real.

When I arrived, there were many empty seats to choose from; but just before 11am, all seats inside and outside have all been taken.

A pleasant Saturday morning.