Saturday 1 July 2017

現場直擊 ~ 在富歷史的甜點店歎咖啡&甜點 @Vila Real / Live @Vila Real ~ Enjoying galão & pastries at historical café

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[現場直擊 ~ 在富歷史的甜點店歎咖啡&甜點 @Vila Real]
[Live @Vila Real ~ Enjoying galão & pastries at historical café]
從1925年開業, 這間甜點店/咖啡館是本地人和旅客們喜愛光顧之地, 夏天來到, 餐廳外的露天座位更是座無虛設, 非常熱鬧。

此店其中熱賣是 Cristas de Galo (名字由來是因甜點外貌像公雞的雞冠)和Covilhetes (是鹹點!), 都是Vila Real這帶地方的名物。

還好我到時, 時間還早, 座位很多, 未到11am, 就裡面和露天座位都坐滿人了, 厲害。

Established in 1925, this café is popular among locals and tourists. Cristas de Galo and Covilhetes are some of the typical pastries of the region of Vila Real.

When I arrived, there were many empty seats to choose from; but just before 11am, all seats inside and outside have all been taken.

A pleasant Saturday morning. 

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