Friday 7 July 2017

現場直擊 ~ Matosinhos吃鮮烤沙甸魚 / [Live @Matosinhos ~ freshly grilled sardines for lunch

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[現場直擊 ~ Matosinhos吃鮮烤沙甸魚]
[Live @Matosinhos ~ freshly grilled sardines for lunch]

離開波圖市, 只需搭地鐵, 半小時就來到沿海小鎮Matosinhos, 以漁業為主, 鎮內有很多間以新鮮打撈回來即煮海鮮的餐廳, 而且價錢不昂貴, 在波圖市遊玩之餘可考慮來Matosinhos 走走。

除鮮美海鮮外, 這裡更有一個大海灘, 先暢泳一番再來海鮮餐就perfect了。

Only 30 minutes by metro from Porto brings you to the small fishing village of Matosinhos - famous for its freshly caught and cooked seafood. Apart from its delicious seafood, don't forget to have a swim at the big beach here. At least stroll along the seaside for a while even if you are not a beach goer. You'd enjoy the place. 

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