Monday 14 August 2017

里斯本新派素菜館 @PSI Restaurante Vegetariano / Vegetarian food in Lisbon

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【里斯本新派素菜館 @PSI Restaurante Vegetariano】
[Vegetarian food in Lisbon]

之前談過, 里斯本有不少素菜館。我雖不是素食者, 但都想見識一下葡萄牙素菜館的質素如何, 所以去過一兩間。今次想介紹一間是在里斯本頗有名氣而且已經營多年的素菜館, 我去過兩次, 都因為它的食物質素和寧靜舒適的環境。餐廳周圍被樹木包圍, 餐廳前更有一個小魚池, 氣氛恬靜。特別一提, 這素菜館開幕時得西藏精神領袖達賴喇嘛剪綵。

給大家一個參考: 中午套餐: 湯 + 主菜 + 茶, 價錢大概11-12歐元。有時間大家可去試試, 反正在葡萄牙吃得海鮮和肉多, 轉口味吃素菜對身體好。

I have mentioned in a post before that there are many vegetarian restaurants in Lisbon. I'm not a vegetarian or a vegan, but I do want to taste the vegetarian food in Lisbon and see how good they are. This time I'd like to recommend one that I have been twice before - for its excellent food quality and tranquil environment.

The restaurant is surrounded by trees. The garden in front of the restaurant has a pond with ducks, turtles and carps swimming happily. The restaurant was inaugurated by Dalai Lama.
As a reference: a lunch menu with soup + main dish + tea costs around 11-12 euros.

地址 / Address: Alameda Santo António dos Capuchos, Jardim dos Sabores, Lisbon.
電話 / Tel: +351 213 590 573

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