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【意想不到的美麗 - 小鎮Viseu (維塞烏)】
【Unexpected little charming town - Viseu】
Viseu (維塞烏)這個在葡萄牙中部的小鎮, 未必是第一次去葡萄牙旅遊的朋友會考慮遊覽的 地方 (或者可能有人更會坦白的說, 從來未聽說過這小鎮的名字), 實在, Viseu是一個很具歷史和文化氣息的古鎮。

Viseu is a small town in the central part of Portugal. People who visit Portugal for the first time may not include Viseu in their trips (and probably some people would admit that they haven't even heard of the name of this place). As a matter of fact, Viseu is a town full of history and culture.

Viseu 在葡萄牙歷史上滿有重要性, 也跟葡萄牙民族英雄Viriato有關連。Viriato 就是在大概公元前149-公元前139年, 帶領路西塔尼亞 (Lusitania) 原著民, 抵抗羅馬帝國軍隊入侵的民族英雄 , 是當時路西塔尼亞民族的領袖。據說他當年就是在維塞烏附近一帶地區出生和居住。城北的Largo da Feira de São Mateus旁邊豎立著的 Viriato銅像, 早在1910年開始就被列為國家遺跡。

The history of Viseu is connected with the Lusitanian hero - Viriato - the leader of the indigenous Lusitanians who resisted and fought the Roman legions during the Roman expansion into the Iberian Peninsula in roughly 149 B.C. to 139 B.C.. Viriato was said to be born and lived in the area around Viseu. There is a bronze statue of Viriato next to Largo da Feira de São Mateus in the northern part of Viseu. It has been a national monument since 1910.

而市內的Praça Dom Duarte廣場, 則聳立著一個葡萄牙國王Dom Duarte 的雕像, 以紀念國王在1391年在維塞烏出生。
And a statue of the Portuguese King Duarte is erected on the square of Praça Dom Duarte, commemorating the birth of the King in Viseu in 1391.
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