Saturday 8 September 2018

陽光與海灘的葡萄牙 / Beaches and sunshine of Portugal

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【Beaches and sunshine of Portugal】

如果有人認為葡萄牙就只有葡撻、砵酒、里斯本、波圖, 他/她對葡萄牙的認識是過於表面了吧。走一趟南部的 the Algarve (阿爾加維)地區, 享受一下葡萄牙的充沛陽光與自然風光。😁

If anyone thinks Portugal has just egg tarts, Port wine, Lisbon, and Porto, his/her knowledge of Portugal is perhaps a little too shallow. Take a trip to the south and stay in the Algarve for some time, enjoy the natural scenery and plenty of sunshine here. 😁

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