Wednesday 26 September 2018

里斯本 最古老的爬山纜車 ~ Lavra爬山纜車 / The oldest funicular in Lisbon ~ Ascensor do Lavra @ Lisbon

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【里斯本 最古老的爬山纜車 ~ Lavra爬山纜車】
【The oldest funicular in Lisbon ~ Ascensor do Lavra @ Lisbon】

穿梭於 Rua das Portas de Santo Antão (步行街) 和 Miradouro do Jardim do Torel (觀景台)之間的 Lavra 爬山纜車, 從1884年4月19日開始行駛, 服務大眾, 更是里斯本市內四架纜索鐵道之中, 最古老的! 你來里斯本時也有乘坐過嗎? 😁

Connecting Rua das Portas de Santo Antão (the famous pedestrian street) and Miradouro do Jardim do Torel (a viewpoint), Ascensor do Lavra has been operating and serving the public since April 19, 1884. Do you know that it's the oldest funicular among the four existed in Lisbon?

Have you ridden it before? 😁

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