Friday 25 January 2019

葡萄牙民舍的大門 & 窗戶 / House doors and windows in Portugal

【葡萄牙民舍的大門 & 窗戶】
【House doors and windows in Portugal】

不少葡萄牙的民舍 (非一般的公寓式住宅), 他們的大門和窗戶裝飾得十分精致, 設計很有風格, 再配上鋪貼於牆上那些色彩斑斕的葡式瓷磚, 絕對是另類景點。

Many house doors and windows in Portugal are beautifully decorated, along with typical Portuguese azulejos  tiles) on the outside walls of houses. They're indeed another type of scenic spots.

旅途中, 如果不是跟旅行團, 不需走馬看花的話, 走在小路上, 隨時有意外驚喜。放慢步伐, 享受人生, 才是真旅行。😉

Slow down and you can enjoy more in your life journey. 😉

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