Saturday, 26 September 2015

葡萄牙球星C 朗拿度的個人博物館 - 巡迴展@里斯本 / CR7 Travelling Museum - @ Lisbon

【葡萄牙球星C 朗拿度的個人博物館 - 巡迴展@里斯本】
【CR7 Travelling Museum - @ Lisbon】


If you're currently staying in Lisbon and are a big fan of super football player Cristiano Ronaldo, you wouldn't want to miss this activity - pay a visit to the <CR7 Travelling Museum> which is currently taken place in city centre Lisbon.

<CR7博物館> 永久展館是設在他家鄉馬德拉島首府Funchal (豐沙爾),至於 <CR7 Travelling Museum> 則是新的元素,在各地巡迴展覽,除了介紹C朗拿度的成長和足球發展事業之外,又展覽部分珍貴收藏。里斯本已是 <CR7 Travelling Museum> 的第二站,據說之後還會到上海展覽。

<CR7 Museu> is located in Ronaldo's hometown Funchal, Madeira Island. This <CR7 Travelling Museum> is a new element. Besides telling the story of Ronaldo from his birth to the present day, many precious items, including some major trophies, and his boots and jerseys are in exhibition too.


I had the opportunity to have a small chat with some staff members at the museum today, and told them that the <CR7 Travelling Museum> could draw hugh amount of visitors if it would be held in Macau and Hong Kong too. I hope they can consider this suggestion. smile emoticon

有關CR7巡迴博物館 / Details of the CR7 Travelling Museum: 

地點/Venue: Marquês de Pombal, next to Parque Eduardo VII, Lisbon 
開放日期/Dates: September 16 until October 15
開放時間/Opening hours: Every day – from 10am to 8pm
在博物館入口或市中心郵政局購門票 // Purchase tickets at the entrance of the museum or at post offices

Monday, 21 September 2015

現場直擊 - 天主教朝聖地 “花地瑪” / Live - The Catholic sacred place of Fatima

【現場直擊 - 天主教朝聖地 “花地瑪”】
【Live - The Catholic sacred place of Fatima】

今天終於有時間來洗滌一下心靈 smile emoticon
It's time I purify my soul. smile emoticon

Note: Basilica de Nossa Senhora do Rosario de Fatima is under renovation and closed to the public.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

有關來往佩尼切 (Peniche) 和 Berlenga大島的交通資料 / Information on transportation between Peniche and Berlenga Island

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【有關來往佩尼切 (Peniche) 和 Berlenga大島的交通資料 】
【Information on transportation between Peniche and Berlenga Island】

之前介紹了 Berlenga 大島的美麗風景, 與及在 Peniche (佩切尼) 的住宿事宜後, 最後是談談如何購買船票到大島。

I have given an introduction of the Berlenga Island and briefly mentioned accommodation in my previous posts. Now, I'd like to talk about how to buy ferry/boat tickets to the Island.

Berlenga 島的葡萄牙文名稱是 "Ilha da Berlenga" ("Ilha" 是 "島" 的意思), 在Peniche 的碼頭 (沿海邊行到盡頭, 附近是旅遊重點 Fortaleza de Penich

e (佩尼切堡壘), 設立有8個玻璃亭, 由不同公司營運, 售賣來往佩切尼和 Berlenga 島之間航行的輪船及快艇船票, 以及報名參加浮潛活動。可以向裡邊的職員查詢當天或隔天的船期和訂票情況, 由於是旅遊區, 因此他們都會說英語。

"Ilha da Berlenga" is Berlenga Island in Portuguese. At the Peniche harbour (walk straight up the seaside till you almost see "Fortaleza de Peniche" - a major tourist attraction in Peniche), there are 8 glass booths there (operated by different companies) selling ferry and boat tickets between Peniche and the Island, and signing up for snorkelling activities. You may check ticket availability and ask for other information regarding travelling to the Island. As it's a tourist zone, the staff there can speak English.

注意, 到 Berlenga 島的船, 絕大部分只在春至秋季 (大約5月中到10月左右) 航行, 其餘時間因海面風浪太大停駛的。Viamar 船公司的是大船, 另外有船公司開快船, 來回費用大約20-22歐元/位。

Note that both ferries and boats to Berlenga Island mostly only operate from Spring to fall (roughly between mid-May and October). Service suspended in the rest of the year due to weather conditions. Most passengers use boats operated by the company called Viamar; and there are two other companies which operate faster boats. Round trip is about 20-22 euro/person.

有用船公司網站 / Useful websites:
1) Viamar:
2) Julius:

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Berlenga 大島半天休閒遊 / Berlenga Island /Ilha da Berlenga~ half day of relaxed trip Free

【Berlenga 大島半天休閒遊】
【Berlenga Island /Ilha da Berlenga~ half day of relaxed trip】

好久以前在網上見過幾張 Berlenga Island 的 Fort of São João Baptista (聖約翰堡壘) 的照片, 令我一直都很想到這個島旅遊, 直到最近, 終於能成行。

Berlenga 大島沒有令我失望, 它真是非常美麗、優美宜人。我極度推薦。:-)

I have been thinking about visiting Berlenga Island since I saw some photos of Fort of São João Baptista (Saint John Fort) long time ago. I'm so glad that I finally made the trip recently.

The visit to Berlenga Island is worth the time and effort. It is so beautiful and pleasant. I highly recommend a visit to the Berlenga Island when you're in Portugal.

要來 Berlenga 大島遊玩, 最通常的做法, 是先搭車去沿海城市 Peniche (佩尼切, 著名的沖浪勝地) 再搭船到 Berlenga 大島。從里斯本搭巴士到 Peniche, 車程大概一個半小時 (去此城和 Berlenga大島的攻略以及住宿, 我會稍後再談)。

The most common way to Berlenga Island is to go via a coastal town called Peniche - famous for surfing - take a ferry from Peniche to Berlenga Island. Coaches from Lisbon to Peniche is roughly 1.5 hours one way (guide to Peniche and Berlenga Island, and accommodation in Peniche will be coming up soon).

Berlenga 大島被葡萄牙政府列為自然保護區, 您在島上, 會見到很多各種的海鳥, 包括海鷗、鸕鶿, 以及整個島都聽到牠們的叫聲。

Berlanga Island has been declared a natural reserve, and you can see different kinds of sea birds on the island, including seagulls and cormorants; and can hear them making all sorts of sounds all over the island.

從 Peniche 一天即日往返遊是多數旅客選擇的方法, 由於夏天天氣和風景一流, 不少人會在島上住宿或露營。注意: 秋季開始, 由於風大海浪也大十分危險, 因此沒有船會從佩尼切 (Peniche) 來 Berlenga 大島的。

小島不大, 半天遊大概都足夠遊走欣賞島上所有景點。島上的海灘, 海水非常晶瑩清徹, 另有不少奇岩洞穴和堡礁, 因此島上有乘船遊覽洞穴, 費用只需5歐元。

記緊一定要花點時間去走它的那條自然步道, 沿途風景秀麗, 會先見到一個燈塔, 再走一小段路, 就是著名的古老堡壘「聖約翰堡壘」 (堡壘現在部分已改成為一青年旅舍) 。

Visit on the Island:
Most travellers come to the Berlenga Island on a same day round trip, departing from Peniche. Weather and scenery is superb during the summer months, and so quite many people would lodge or go camping on the island for a few days. Note: travelling to Berlenga Island after October will be impossible due to strong wind and big waves on the sea. No ferries go to Berlenga Island between November and April.

Berlenga Island is small and therefore a half-day tour is more or less enough to see the major attractions on the island. The beaches are beautiful with crystal clear waters. There are barrier reefs and various caves, so try to take a boat trip. It's very affordable, just 5 euros for a trip of about 45 minutes.

Be sure to also spare time for a walk on the natural trail. The scenery will reward you. You will first see a lighthouse. Walk further and you will then reach the famous ancient fortress called "St. John Fort" (Forta de São João Baptista) (part of the fort has been converted into a youth hostel).

*** 下回: 去Peniche 和 Berlenga 大島的攻略以及住宿
*** To be continued with "Guide to Peniche and Berlenga Island, and accommodation in Peniche

Thursday, 3 September 2015

里斯本交通卡 ~ 可增值的 "Viva Viagem Card" ~ 我的個人攻略指南 / My complete guide to the rechargeable "Lisbon Viva Viagem Card" Free

【里斯本交通卡 ~ 可增值的 "Viva Viagem Card" ~ 我的個人攻略指南】
【My complete guide to the rechargeable "Lisbon Viva Viagem Card"】

這張價值 0.5歐羅的交通卡, 對來過里斯本自由行的朋友來說, 應當不會感到陌生。不知有沒有朋友跟我一樣, 一手都是這張卡呢? 以下的指南是我歸納了用這張卡以來的經驗, 給大家作一個參考。
This 0.5€ Viva Viagem card - a transport card widely used in Lisbon - must be familiar to those who have been to Lisbon before. Does anyone of you have got plenty of Viva Viagem cards in hand, just like me? The following is my personal guide, summarising my experience in the use of this card.

里斯本的公共交通系統, 包括了地鐵、公共巴士、電車、纜車以及通勤火車。要能充份運用這個系統,您得首先購買一張 “Viva Viagem 交通卡”,然後隨您的喜好, 在購買後為期一年內,可無限次增值 (有幾種增值選擇):

1) Carris 巴士 / 地鐵 單次票 (1.40€) 

2) Carris 巴士 / 地鐵 一天票 (6€) : 一天內可無限次乘坐 Carris 巴士、地鐵、 電車 (去貝倫區 Belem的電車也可)、纜車 (例如著名的 Santa Justa電梯)

3) Zapping (即 "現金增值"): 增值額適用於乘坐 Carris 巴士、地鐵、CP 通勤火車 (可去辛特拉、Cascais、Queluz 等), Transtejo 及 Soflusa 渡輪 (去 Cacilhas and Trafaria); 用 zapping 搭地鐵, 每程是 1.25歐元 (2015年8月)

****** 但有些要點需要注意: ******

1) 這張卡是一張較厚的紙卡, 並不是塑膠做, 因此得小心保管收好, 破損導致不能使用的 Viva Viagem Card, 地鐵/火車職員是不會給您免費換過一張新的。

2) 同一張 Viva Viagem Card 內, 只能有同一款的增值項目, 所以比如, 如果您卡內有一個 "一天巴士 / 地鐵票", 那您就不能同時又想用它來搭 CP 通勤火車 (例如去辛特拉 Sintra), 您這時就需另買一張 Viva Viagem Card, 然後加錢上去來搭火車。

3) 如果您有多過一張 Viva Viagem Card, 最好能在卡上做點記認作辨別。

4) 其實無需一定要到地鐵、火車票務處 (只有較大的站才設有票務處) 買 Viva Viagem Card 和增值, 每個地鐵和火車站都有不少藍色的自動售票/增值機, 有葡萄牙語和英語選擇, 操作很容易。

5) 過了一年有效期後, 卡就不能再增值, 但容許您可用完裡邊餘下未用的票/價值。

The public transit system in Lisbon consists of a network of metros, buses, trams, funiculars as well as commuter trains. In order to use this system, you first need to buy this "Viva Viagem Card", then top it up it with any option you like without limits during the one year after purchase (several options are available):

1) Carris bus / Metro single ticket (1.40€) 

2) One-day Carris/Metro ticket (6€): this allows you, within the 24 hours after validating your card, to ride on Carris buses, metro, tram (to Belem for example), elevadors (e.g. Santa Justa lift)

3) Zapping (add money value onto the card) – the stored valued can be used to travel on the Carris buses, metro, CP commuter trains (to Sintra, Cascais and Queluz for example), Transtejo and Soflusa (ferry) (to Cacilhas and Trafaria). Cost of one metro journey using Zapping is 1.25€ (August 2015).

****** There are some points that worth noting though: ******

1) This card is just thick paper, not a plastic one, so keep it well. The ticket sales office won't exchange you for a new card free of charge if your existing one bears any visible damage.

2) This card lets you load just one type of ticket at a time, therefore, you cannot load another type of new tickets if there are any valid tickets still on the card. So, for example, if you have loaded a 1-day bus/metro ticket onto the card, you cannot top up with CP tickets (say to Sintra or Cascais) onto it at the same time, until the previously loaded 1-day ticket has been used. Or otherwise, buy another Viva Viagem Card and load train tickets onto it.

3) If you have more than one Viva Viagem Card in hand, it'd be better you make a mark on them so you know which is which.

4) Besides the ticket sales offices at metro and train stations (only some bigger stations have ticket sales offices), you can actually buy a Viva Viagem Card and add values onto it easily on any blue automated ticket machines that are located at every station. They have Portuguese and English instructions and are very easy to follow.

5) Once the validity period of one year has expired, the Viva Viagem card can no longer be recharged, but any remaining tickets may still be used.

** 本地朋友教路, 購買此卡或用它增值後, 緊記收好收據, 因為有時候這張卡不知何故會失效, 若發生此事時, 拿卡和收據去地鐵票務處跟職員說。

** Remember to keep the receipts after buying your Viva Viagem card and each top-up, so that when there are any problems with the card and/or values on your card, you can always go to the ticket sales office to check with the staff there.