Saturday 19 September 2015

有關來往佩尼切 (Peniche) 和 Berlenga大島的交通資料 / Information on transportation between Peniche and Berlenga Island

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【有關來往佩尼切 (Peniche) 和 Berlenga大島的交通資料 】
【Information on transportation between Peniche and Berlenga Island】

之前介紹了 Berlenga 大島的美麗風景, 與及在 Peniche (佩切尼) 的住宿事宜後, 最後是談談如何購買船票到大島。

I have given an introduction of the Berlenga Island and briefly mentioned accommodation in my previous posts. Now, I'd like to talk about how to buy ferry/boat tickets to the Island.

Berlenga 島的葡萄牙文名稱是 "Ilha da Berlenga" ("Ilha" 是 "島" 的意思), 在Peniche 的碼頭 (沿海邊行到盡頭, 附近是旅遊重點 Fortaleza de Penich

e (佩尼切堡壘), 設立有8個玻璃亭, 由不同公司營運, 售賣來往佩切尼和 Berlenga 島之間航行的輪船及快艇船票, 以及報名參加浮潛活動。可以向裡邊的職員查詢當天或隔天的船期和訂票情況, 由於是旅遊區, 因此他們都會說英語。

"Ilha da Berlenga" is Berlenga Island in Portuguese. At the Peniche harbour (walk straight up the seaside till you almost see "Fortaleza de Peniche" - a major tourist attraction in Peniche), there are 8 glass booths there (operated by different companies) selling ferry and boat tickets between Peniche and the Island, and signing up for snorkelling activities. You may check ticket availability and ask for other information regarding travelling to the Island. As it's a tourist zone, the staff there can speak English.

注意, 到 Berlenga 島的船, 絕大部分只在春至秋季 (大約5月中到10月左右) 航行, 其餘時間因海面風浪太大停駛的。Viamar 船公司的是大船, 另外有船公司開快船, 來回費用大約20-22歐元/位。

Note that both ferries and boats to Berlenga Island mostly only operate from Spring to fall (roughly between mid-May and October). Service suspended in the rest of the year due to weather conditions. Most passengers use boats operated by the company called Viamar; and there are two other companies which operate faster boats. Round trip is about 20-22 euro/person.

有用船公司網站 / Useful websites:
1) Viamar:
2) Julius:

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