Saturday 26 September 2015

葡萄牙球星C 朗拿度的個人博物館 - 巡迴展@里斯本 / CR7 Travelling Museum - @ Lisbon

【葡萄牙球星C 朗拿度的個人博物館 - 巡迴展@里斯本】
【CR7 Travelling Museum - @ Lisbon】


If you're currently staying in Lisbon and are a big fan of super football player Cristiano Ronaldo, you wouldn't want to miss this activity - pay a visit to the <CR7 Travelling Museum> which is currently taken place in city centre Lisbon.

<CR7博物館> 永久展館是設在他家鄉馬德拉島首府Funchal (豐沙爾),至於 <CR7 Travelling Museum> 則是新的元素,在各地巡迴展覽,除了介紹C朗拿度的成長和足球發展事業之外,又展覽部分珍貴收藏。里斯本已是 <CR7 Travelling Museum> 的第二站,據說之後還會到上海展覽。

<CR7 Museu> is located in Ronaldo's hometown Funchal, Madeira Island. This <CR7 Travelling Museum> is a new element. Besides telling the story of Ronaldo from his birth to the present day, many precious items, including some major trophies, and his boots and jerseys are in exhibition too.


I had the opportunity to have a small chat with some staff members at the museum today, and told them that the <CR7 Travelling Museum> could draw hugh amount of visitors if it would be held in Macau and Hong Kong too. I hope they can consider this suggestion. smile emoticon

有關CR7巡迴博物館 / Details of the CR7 Travelling Museum: 

地點/Venue: Marquês de Pombal, next to Parque Eduardo VII, Lisbon 
開放日期/Dates: September 16 until October 15
開放時間/Opening hours: Every day – from 10am to 8pm
在博物館入口或市中心郵政局購門票 // Purchase tickets at the entrance of the museum or at post offices

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