Thursday 24 March 2016

香港領隊證和導遊證 / Hong Kong Tour Escort Pass & Tourist Guide Pass

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【Hong Kong Tour Escort Pass & Tourist Guide Pass】

這件事好像不太跟葡萄牙有關, 但又其實有點關連。 
It doesn't seem to have anything to do with Portugal, but it's indeed related. 
經過多月的讀書、實習、考試, 很幸運地, 終於接連成功考獲了香港旅遊業的領隊和導遊專業資格, 正式成為持牌的領隊和導遊。
After several months of studies, training and exams, very luckily I successfully passed a series of tests to have become a licensed Hong Kong tour guide and tour escort.

未來的道路很漫長, 有很多需要學習和進修的地方。希望不久將來可以帶旅客到葡萄牙觀光, 或者帶葡萄牙人或其他人在香港旅遊。:-)
The road ahead is long and there's so much for me to learn and improve. Hope that in the very near future, I will be able to take travellers to Portugal for sightseeing, and show visitors from all over the world the beauty of Hong Kong.

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