Saturday 2 April 2016

葡萄牙飲食 (一) ~ 葡萄牙黑毛豬火腿 / Porco preto presunto /Black pig ham of Portugal (1)

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【葡萄牙飲食 (一) ~ 葡萄牙黑毛豬火腿】
【Porco pre
to presunto /Black pig ham of Portugal (1) 】

談起風乾火腿, 最多人想起的, 相信會是意大利的 Parma ham和西班牙的黑毛豬火腿, 卻其實, 葡萄牙亦出產珍貴而且味美的黑毛豬火腿 (porco preto)。

Talking about ham, most people would think of, I believe, Italy's Parma ham and Spain's 'Jamón Ibérico'. But in fact, Portugal produces also top quality and precious (and needless to say delicious) Portuguese Iberico ham called 'porco preto' (=black pig ham).

店員替我切出一片肥瘦適中、薄得透光的火腿片, 並提議配搭葡萄牙砵酒一起享用, 當然聽從她的建議, 兩樣配搭確是完美。:-)
The shopkeeper cut out a slice of porco preto - thin and translucent flesh which is neither too fat nor too lean. She suggested to enjoy 'porco preto' together with a small portion of Portuguese port wine. Of course, I listened to her advice. Portuguese black pig cured ham + Portuguese port wine = a perfect match! 
Manteigaria Silva 這間在里斯本的老字號, 始於1890年, 已經開業超過100年, 除了售賣黑毛豬火腿, 還有葡萄牙芝士、葡萄牙紅酒、葡萄牙馬介休魚等。他們還可以替您把食物真空包裝, 方便您可以帶到國外去, 回家後還可繼續留戀在葡萄牙的美食中。:-)

'Manteigaria Silva', established in 1890 in Lisbon city centre, is a great popular place to buy a great selection of Portuguese gourmet products including cheese, codfish and ham. You can find some of the finest and most expensive 'porco preto' there too. They can pack everything in vacuum so you can take abroad with you and continue to enjoy some great Portuguese gourmets after you are back in your own country. 

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