Friday 10 October 2014

艾羅拉 ~ 人骨禮拜堂 / The Bone Chapel in Évora

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【艾羅拉 ~ 人骨禮拜堂 // The Bone Chapel in Évora】

在葡萄牙國內, 有一個非常有名的人骨教堂, 正確點說, 是一所人骨禮拜堂 – Capela dos Ossos / The Bone Chapel。
人骨禮拜堂位於艾羅拉市 (Évora)。 早在1986年, 被中世紀城牆所包圍的艾羅拉舊城區, 就已被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺址。

聖方濟各教堂(Igreja de São Francisco) 正門入口處。教堂建於1460-1510年間, 是一哥德式建築, 並浸進獨特的葡萄牙Maueline建築風格。
The entrance to the Church of San Francis.
Built between 1460 and 1510, it is a structure of Gothic style with Manueline influences

In Portugal, there is a very well-known bone chapel. In Portuguese, Bone Chapel is called "Capela dos Ossos" (Chapel of Bones).
The Capela dos Ossos is located in Évora. Its well-preserved old town centre - partially enclosed by medieval walls - has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1986.

 人骨禮拜堂位於聖方濟各教堂 (Igreja deSão Francisco) 右側, 走過幽靜的長廊就到達。之所以稱為人骨禮拜堂, 是因為這個禮拜堂內部的四壁和支柱是由5000多具人骨組成! 牆壁和支柱用死人的腿骨砌成, 間中以頭髏骨鑲嵌做裝飾; 而天花皆是畫並以頭髏骨作鑲邊。

The Capela dos Ossos is a small interior chapel situated just next to the entrance of the Church of St. Francis (Igreja deSão Francisco). It gets its name because the interior walls are covered and decorated with about 5,000 human skulls and bones. The walls and central pillars are covered with human skulls and other parts of skeletons, held together by cement.

禮拜堂入口處上方的碑文寫著 “ Nós ossos que aqui estamos, pelos vossos esperamos.” (“我們的骨骸在這裡, 正等待著你的骨骸”)! 夠嚇人了嗎?
On top of the large arch at the entrance of the Chapel reads: Nós ossos que aqui estamos, pelos vossos esperamos: "Our bones that are here wait for yours!" Scary, right?


Can you see a full corpse hanging high on a wall?

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