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【天主教朝聖地 ~ 花地瑪 / Catholic Pilgrimage Site ~Fátima 】
【Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fátima / 花地瑪聖母宗座聖殿】
【Portugese: Basílica de Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Fátima 】
Virgin Mary "appeared" in Fátima six times in 1917. In her sixth and the last apparition, on October 13 1917, more than 70,000 people witnessed her appearance. The next day, the news was widely reported by local newspapers. Since then, Fátima has become a place of pilgrimage. Thousands of pilgrims and visitors alike flock to Fátima for visits every year.
在聖母第六次顯現時, 她曾說出 "我是玫塊聖母, 我希望在此建造一座教堂, 而眾人應每天均背誦玫瑰經"。 因此之後, 民眾積極爭取在同址興建教堂以作紀念。首先, 是在聖母向三位牧羊小童顯現之處建造 「小禮拜堂」"The Chapel of the Apparitions", 跟著就是修建 「花地瑪聖母宗座聖殿」和一排相連的弧形拱門走廊。
If you are planning for a pilgrimage tour to Fátima, you may want to know an important thing, which is, the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fátima is currently closed for repair and restoration works, which has already started on May 14 2014, and will continue in principle until the end of 2015.
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