Thursday, 27 November 2014

一點有趣的葡萄牙歷史 ~~《莫三比克的鈔票》/ A little bit of the history of Portugal from 《A banknote of Mozambique》

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【一點有趣的葡萄牙歷史 ~~《莫三比克的鈔票》】
【A little bit of the history of Portugal from 《A banknote of Mozambique》】

大家可能覺得有點奇怪, 何解我會拿張鈔票出來呢? 跟葡萄牙有怎麼關係呢? 其實是這樣的: 我有一位好友是錢幣收藏家, 早陣子送我這張鈔票 (因為他知道我喜好跟葡萄牙有關的東西)。

You may wonder why I am showing you this banknote. What's it to do with Portugal? Indeed, a good friend of mine is a coin/paper money collector. He gave me this Mozambique banknote because he knows I am a "Luso-lover".

莫三比克 (舊稱: 莫三鼻給) 位處非洲東南部,臨印度洋,隔著莫三比克海峽 (Mozambique Channel) 與馬達加斯加 (Madagascar) 遙遙相望。莫三比克以葡萄牙語作為其官方語言, 皆因早在1498年, 葡萄牙的著名航海家達伽瑪 (Vasco da Gama) 就率領船隊到達莫三比克。 到1505年時, 莫三比克更成為了葡萄牙的殖民地, 歷時超過四百年, 直到1975年6月25日從葡萄牙獨立, 成為「莫三比克人民共和國」。

Mozambique is a former Portuguese colony. Situated in southeast Africa, it is bordered by the Indian Ocean to the east and separated from Madagascar by the Mozambique Channel. Mozambique was explored by the great Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama in 1498 and was then colonised by Portugal in 1505. After over four centuries of Portuguese colonial rule, Mozambique became independent from Portugal on June 25, 1975, becoming the People's Republic of Mozambique shortly thereafter.

我擁有的這張莫三比克鈔票 (前和背面), 印刷於1970年 (當時莫三比克還是葡萄牙的殖民地), 背面印著發鈔銀行是大西洋銀行 (葡萄牙國家海外銀行) (Banco Nacional Ultramarino), 幣值 50 escudos (埃斯庫多, 是葡萄牙未使用歐羅之前所使用的貨幣單位)。

但有點特別的地方是: 鈔票正面卻又印著 "Banco de Moçambique" (莫三比克銀行) ? 為怎麼會這樣的呢? 莫三比克在1975年獨立後,新政府發現在他們的金庫裡頭有大量非流通的葡萄牙殖民時代的莫三比克鈔票。由於新政府需盡快有新的貨幣,於是就將 "Banco de Moçambique" 這名稱 "叠印“在這些本為大西洋銀行印刷發行的鈔票之上, 成為有趣的過渡時期鈔票。

This Mozambique note that I have (front and back) was printed in Year 1970 (at the time Mozambique was still a colony of Portugal). In the back of it, it shows "Banco Nacional Ultramarino" is the issuing bank. The value of the note is 50 escudos (escudos was the currency that Portugal used prior to the euro).

One interesting thing is: "Banco de Moçambique" (Bank of Mozambique) is printed on the front of the note as well? Why? After becoming independent in 1975, the new Mozambique government found a large amount of uncirculated Portuguese Mozambique notes in their vaults. Needing new currency quickly, they overprinted “Banco de Mocambique” on the old notes that had originally produced for the Banco Nacional Ultramarino. This overprinted note that I have, for example, was used by Mozambique between 1975 and 1980, when a new series of notes was finally released. It is an interesting transitional currency.

附加: 根據歷史推算, 當年鄭和下西洋 (1405-1433年), 他的船隊的終極點很大可能在今天的莫三比克! 

P.S.: According to historical projections, Zheng He - the great Admiral from the Ming Dynasty of China - could have reached as far as today's Mozambique in his fleet in the huge Zheng-He Expeditions (1405-1433)! 

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

葡萄牙的舊有殖民地 / The ex-colonies of Portugal

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This map cites all the former colonies of Portugal (in Asia, Africa and America). 

這個地圖顯示出葡萄牙的舊有殖民地 (遍及亞洲、非洲、美洲)

Source of map (圖片來源):

Sunday, 23 November 2014

葡萄牙招牌 ~~ "Fechado" / Sign in Portugal ~~ "Fechado"

【葡萄牙招牌 ~~ "Fechado"】 
【Sign in Portugal ~~ "Fechado"】

見到商店或餐廳的門上掛上一個 "Fechado"的牌, 會很失落....

It's disappointing seeing a "Fechado" sign hung on the front door of a shop or restaurant...

很記得, 有次在聖誕節前幾天, 去中部著名的濱海渡假勝地 Nazaré 一天遊。 冬天的Nazaré 很冷, 風很大, 而且我去的那天還不時下著雨, 我都不明白何解我會冬天去, 哈哈。由於到達 Nazaré 時見時間尚早便先周圍觀光和拍照, 到兩點半左右才想起餐廳有可能午休, 匆忙開始去找 Lonely Planet & Tripadvisor 都有推薦的幾間餐廳, 想趕在他們關門前去吃午飯, 但他們的門口同樣都掛上了這個 "Fechado" 的牌 ~~ "關門"!

以後就提醒自己,葡萄牙小鎮裡有不少餐廳都有午休時段 (很多都是休下午3-6 時的)。:-)

I remember very well that once - a few days before Christmas - I went to Nazaré for a one-day trip. Nazaré is a popular seaside resort village in central Portugal. The winter in Nazaré is very cold and windy. Plus, it rained from time to time on the day I was there. I can't actually understand why I went there in the winter, haha. Upon arriving at Nazaré, I toured around until at about 2:30pm when I suddenly remembered that restaurants might close for business after lunch hours. So I began hastily to look for the restaurants that Lonely Planet & Tripadvisor recommended, but on the entrance doors of all of them, I could only see the "Fechado" sign ~~ "closed"!

This experience has reminded me again that in many small towns in Portugal, many restaurants could close for business after lunch hours (usually between 3pm and 6pm). 

順便一提, Nazaré 有一個非常出名的東西 -- 巨浪! Nazaré 是衝浪者的天堂。 在2011年11月,夏威夷衝浪者 Garrett McNamara 就做出了破紀錄的衝巨浪 ~~ 從谷底到波峰達78呎 (23.8米)!

By the way, Nazaré is internationally well-known for one thing - its giant waves! It's a surfers' paradise! In November 2011, Hawaiian surfer Garrett McNamara surfed a record-breaking giant wave: 78 feet (23.8m) from trough to crest, at Nazaré!

Thursday, 20 November 2014

波圖地標 ~ 路易斯一世橋 / Landmark of Porto ~ Ponte Dom Luís I

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【波圖地標 ~ 路易斯一世橋】
【Landmark of Porto ~ Ponte Dom Luís I】

沒有可能來波圖遊玩而不去參觀路易斯一世橋。出自巴黎鐵塔設計師艾菲爾 (Gustave Eiffel) 之手的路易斯一世大橋, 建成於1886年, 橫跨蜿蜒壯闊的杜羅河 (Douro River) , 連接波圖市和加亞新城 (Vila Nova de Gaia) (加亞新城 有很多著名葡萄牙砵酒酒窖)。

拱橋分成上下兩層: 下層供車輛和行人通行; 至於上層, 就只有行人 (有人行走道) 和地鐵列車 (地鐵D線) 可以行走。行走下層可以細意觀看鐵橋的結構, 如果要能更清楚欣賞杜羅河兩岸迷人風光, 那就要走上層喇! 

It is impossible to visit Porto and not visit Dom Luís I Bridge. Completed in 1886 and designed by Gustave Eiffel, the same architect who designed the Eiffel Tower in Paris, this double-decker bridge is a metallic arch bridge that spans the magnificent Douro River, connecting the cities of Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia (Vila Nova de Gaia is best known for its many Portuguese port wine lodges).

The bottom deck of Dom Luís I Bridge is for vehicles and pedestrians; while the upper deck is for electric trams (occupied by Line D of the Porto Metro) as well as pedestrians (there is a pedestrian walkway). To admire the structure of this metallic bridge, have a walk on the bottom deck. Or enjoy the charming view of the Douro River and both cities by walking on the upper deck! 

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

里斯本地鐵站 ~~ 地下畫廊 / Lisbon Metro stations ~~ an Underground Gallery

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【里斯本地鐵站 ~~ 地下畫廊】
【Lisbon Metro stations ~~ an Underground Gallery】

在里斯本旅遊, 如果遇到下雨, 不想在街上逛, 可以考慮做一件事情: 買一張里斯本地鐵的一天票, 遊地鐵站!

If it rains while you are travelling in Lisbon and you don't want to be wandering around on the street, one thing that worths doing: buy a one-day Lisbon metro ticket and tour the metro stations!

里斯本的地鐵系統始建於1950年代, 一開始, 地鐵公司的管理層就定下一個明確目標: 要充份運用里斯本地下鐵路的公共空間, 使環境更方便市民。 藝術家 Maria Keil 在1957年開始設計裝飾各個里斯本地鐵站的的牆身, 在大概25年的時間裡,她一共完成了19座車站的設計工作。她的作品重燃了藝術家們對葡萄牙傳統瓷磚藝術的熱情。 這個傳統葡萄牙藝術, 在19世紀至20世紀上半葉, 經歷了一段漫長的衰退期, 直到Maria Keil 在地鐵站的一系列瓷磚藝術作品, 在國內引發起新一輪對瓷磚畫的創作熱潮 。

The Lisbon Metro began its construction in the 1950s. Right in the beginning, the goal of the Metro's management team has been to fully utilise the public spaces and to make the underground environment more and more friendly to the user.

Artist Maria Keil began the work of artistic wall coverings for the Lisbon Metro in 1957. In 25 years, she has designed for a total of 19 stations. Her works revived enthusiasm for "azulejos" (Portuguese for "painted tiles") . The Portuguese art of azulejos had gone through a long period of decline from the 19th century until the first half of the 20th century. Her impressive artworks led to a new wave of creativity in this traditional Portuguese art in the country.


其他的藝術家, 也參與里斯本各個地鐵站的裝飾工作, 他們的出色工藝, 令里斯本地鐵站整體尤如變成了一間令人讚歎的地下畫廊。

Other artists have also involved in the decoration and artistic work for various metro stations in Lisbon, contributing to the creation of an imposing underground art gallery.

Friday, 7 November 2014

辛特拉 ~~ 仙境般的人間伊甸園 / Sintra ~~ The Glorious Eden

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【辛特拉 ~~ 仙境般的人間伊甸園】 
【Sintra ~~ The Glorious Eden 】

藏身在林木茂密的深山與峽谷間的辛特拉, 被英國浪漫詩人 拜倫勛爵 (Lord Byron) (1788-1824年) 形容為 「光榮的伊甸園」。 優越的地理環境和清涼的氣候, 長久以來是摩爾貴族 (葡萄牙曾被北非摩爾人所統治)、葡萄牙皇室、富人和藝術家等的避暑勝地。今天大家能進入參觀的多座皇宮、城堡、修道院和漂亮別墅, 就是昔日的皇族和貴族們在城内和山上所蓋的。


Hidden among the fresh lush hills and valleys, Sintra offers some of the most exquisite natural and architectural sites in the country. It was described by the famous British romantic poet Lord Byron (1788-1824) as "the glorious Eden". With its superb environment and temperate climate, it was for several centuries a summer retreat for the Moorish aristocracy, Portuguese royal family, the rich and many artists. The various marvellous royal palaces, castles, monastery and charming mansions that we can enter and visit today were constructed by the Moors, former Portuguese royal family and nobles.

Sintra was awarded UNESCO World Heritage status in 1995.

辛特拉的甜點 ~~ Quejadas and Travesseiros / Pastries from Sintra ~~ quejiadas and Travesseiros

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點 ~~ Quejadas and Travesseiros
Pastries from Sintra ~~ quejiadas and Travesseiros 

The most well-known traditional sweets from Sintra: queijadas (above) and Travesseiros (below) de Sintra.

辛特拉最著名的甜點: queijadas (上面) and Travesseiros (下面)

Monday, 3 November 2014

波圖 Carmo 教堂 / Carmo Church, Porto / Igreja do Carmo, Porto

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【波圖 Carmo 教堂 // Carmo Church, Porto】 
【Igreja do Carmo, Porto】

建於18世紀下半葉 (1756-1768年), Carmo 教堂或許是全波圖市最搶眼奪目的教堂。教堂的正立面簡約古典, 外壁的牆身則非凡不已, 整大片外牆全覆蓋以精湛美麗的白色和藍色傳統葡萄牙風格瓷磚 (葡萄牙語稱作 "azulejos"), 描繪一些宗教場景。 至於教堂內部同樣精彩, 絕不能錯過, 小小的教堂內充滿著優雅的鍍金雕刻, 美得令人驚訝! 一個出色的葡萄牙藝術傑作。

聯同隔壁的 Igreja dos Carmelitas 教堂, 兩所教堂在去年 (2013年), 一同被列為國家級歷史文物建築。

Built in the second half of the 18th century, between 1756 and 1768, Carmo Church (Portuguese: Igreja do Carmo) is probably the most eye-catching church in Porto. Simple classical façade, and an impressive outside wall covered entirely in gorgeous white and blue Portuguese-style tile panels (called "azulejos" in Portuguese), depicting religious scenes. And you'll be amazed by the magnificent interior of the church. The small church with a single nave is made up of loads of elegant gilt carvings! Absolutely stunning! A fine example of excellent Portuguese art work.

In conjunction with the adjacent Church of the Carmelites, the two churches have been classified as a National Monument since last year (Year 2013).

《How to Visit // 如何前往參觀》
Location (地點): Rua do Carmo, city centre Porto
Free admission (免費參觀)