Sunday 23 November 2014

葡萄牙招牌 ~~ "Fechado" / Sign in Portugal ~~ "Fechado"

【葡萄牙招牌 ~~ "Fechado"】 
【Sign in Portugal ~~ "Fechado"】

見到商店或餐廳的門上掛上一個 "Fechado"的牌, 會很失落....

It's disappointing seeing a "Fechado" sign hung on the front door of a shop or restaurant...

很記得, 有次在聖誕節前幾天, 去中部著名的濱海渡假勝地 Nazaré 一天遊。 冬天的Nazaré 很冷, 風很大, 而且我去的那天還不時下著雨, 我都不明白何解我會冬天去, 哈哈。由於到達 Nazaré 時見時間尚早便先周圍觀光和拍照, 到兩點半左右才想起餐廳有可能午休, 匆忙開始去找 Lonely Planet & Tripadvisor 都有推薦的幾間餐廳, 想趕在他們關門前去吃午飯, 但他們的門口同樣都掛上了這個 "Fechado" 的牌 ~~ "關門"!

以後就提醒自己,葡萄牙小鎮裡有不少餐廳都有午休時段 (很多都是休下午3-6 時的)。:-)

I remember very well that once - a few days before Christmas - I went to Nazaré for a one-day trip. Nazaré is a popular seaside resort village in central Portugal. The winter in Nazaré is very cold and windy. Plus, it rained from time to time on the day I was there. I can't actually understand why I went there in the winter, haha. Upon arriving at Nazaré, I toured around until at about 2:30pm when I suddenly remembered that restaurants might close for business after lunch hours. So I began hastily to look for the restaurants that Lonely Planet & Tripadvisor recommended, but on the entrance doors of all of them, I could only see the "Fechado" sign ~~ "closed"!

This experience has reminded me again that in many small towns in Portugal, many restaurants could close for business after lunch hours (usually between 3pm and 6pm). 

順便一提, Nazaré 有一個非常出名的東西 -- 巨浪! Nazaré 是衝浪者的天堂。 在2011年11月,夏威夷衝浪者 Garrett McNamara 就做出了破紀錄的衝巨浪 ~~ 從谷底到波峰達78呎 (23.8米)!

By the way, Nazaré is internationally well-known for one thing - its giant waves! It's a surfers' paradise! In November 2011, Hawaiian surfer Garrett McNamara surfed a record-breaking giant wave: 78 feet (23.8m) from trough to crest, at Nazaré!

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