Friday 7 November 2014

辛特拉 ~~ 仙境般的人間伊甸園 / Sintra ~~ The Glorious Eden

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【辛特拉 ~~ 仙境般的人間伊甸園】 
【Sintra ~~ The Glorious Eden 】

藏身在林木茂密的深山與峽谷間的辛特拉, 被英國浪漫詩人 拜倫勛爵 (Lord Byron) (1788-1824年) 形容為 「光榮的伊甸園」。 優越的地理環境和清涼的氣候, 長久以來是摩爾貴族 (葡萄牙曾被北非摩爾人所統治)、葡萄牙皇室、富人和藝術家等的避暑勝地。今天大家能進入參觀的多座皇宮、城堡、修道院和漂亮別墅, 就是昔日的皇族和貴族們在城内和山上所蓋的。


Hidden among the fresh lush hills and valleys, Sintra offers some of the most exquisite natural and architectural sites in the country. It was described by the famous British romantic poet Lord Byron (1788-1824) as "the glorious Eden". With its superb environment and temperate climate, it was for several centuries a summer retreat for the Moorish aristocracy, Portuguese royal family, the rich and many artists. The various marvellous royal palaces, castles, monastery and charming mansions that we can enter and visit today were constructed by the Moors, former Portuguese royal family and nobles.

Sintra was awarded UNESCO World Heritage status in 1995.

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