Monday 3 November 2014

波圖 Carmo 教堂 / Carmo Church, Porto / Igreja do Carmo, Porto

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【波圖 Carmo 教堂 // Carmo Church, Porto】 
【Igreja do Carmo, Porto】

建於18世紀下半葉 (1756-1768年), Carmo 教堂或許是全波圖市最搶眼奪目的教堂。教堂的正立面簡約古典, 外壁的牆身則非凡不已, 整大片外牆全覆蓋以精湛美麗的白色和藍色傳統葡萄牙風格瓷磚 (葡萄牙語稱作 "azulejos"), 描繪一些宗教場景。 至於教堂內部同樣精彩, 絕不能錯過, 小小的教堂內充滿著優雅的鍍金雕刻, 美得令人驚訝! 一個出色的葡萄牙藝術傑作。

聯同隔壁的 Igreja dos Carmelitas 教堂, 兩所教堂在去年 (2013年), 一同被列為國家級歷史文物建築。

Built in the second half of the 18th century, between 1756 and 1768, Carmo Church (Portuguese: Igreja do Carmo) is probably the most eye-catching church in Porto. Simple classical façade, and an impressive outside wall covered entirely in gorgeous white and blue Portuguese-style tile panels (called "azulejos" in Portuguese), depicting religious scenes. And you'll be amazed by the magnificent interior of the church. The small church with a single nave is made up of loads of elegant gilt carvings! Absolutely stunning! A fine example of excellent Portuguese art work.

In conjunction with the adjacent Church of the Carmelites, the two churches have been classified as a National Monument since last year (Year 2013).

《How to Visit // 如何前往參觀》
Location (地點): Rua do Carmo, city centre Porto
Free admission (免費參觀)

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