Tuesday 11 November 2014

里斯本地鐵站 ~~ 地下畫廊 / Lisbon Metro stations ~~ an Underground Gallery

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【里斯本地鐵站 ~~ 地下畫廊】
【Lisbon Metro stations ~~ an Underground Gallery】

在里斯本旅遊, 如果遇到下雨, 不想在街上逛, 可以考慮做一件事情: 買一張里斯本地鐵的一天票, 遊地鐵站!

If it rains while you are travelling in Lisbon and you don't want to be wandering around on the street, one thing that worths doing: buy a one-day Lisbon metro ticket and tour the metro stations!

里斯本的地鐵系統始建於1950年代, 一開始, 地鐵公司的管理層就定下一個明確目標: 要充份運用里斯本地下鐵路的公共空間, 使環境更方便市民。 藝術家 Maria Keil 在1957年開始設計裝飾各個里斯本地鐵站的的牆身, 在大概25年的時間裡,她一共完成了19座車站的設計工作。她的作品重燃了藝術家們對葡萄牙傳統瓷磚藝術的熱情。 這個傳統葡萄牙藝術, 在19世紀至20世紀上半葉, 經歷了一段漫長的衰退期, 直到Maria Keil 在地鐵站的一系列瓷磚藝術作品, 在國內引發起新一輪對瓷磚畫的創作熱潮 。

The Lisbon Metro began its construction in the 1950s. Right in the beginning, the goal of the Metro's management team has been to fully utilise the public spaces and to make the underground environment more and more friendly to the user.

Artist Maria Keil began the work of artistic wall coverings for the Lisbon Metro in 1957. In 25 years, she has designed for a total of 19 stations. Her works revived enthusiasm for "azulejos" (Portuguese for "painted tiles") . The Portuguese art of azulejos had gone through a long period of decline from the 19th century until the first half of the 20th century. Her impressive artworks led to a new wave of creativity in this traditional Portuguese art in the country.


其他的藝術家, 也參與里斯本各個地鐵站的裝飾工作, 他們的出色工藝, 令里斯本地鐵站整體尤如變成了一間令人讚歎的地下畫廊。

Other artists have also involved in the decoration and artistic work for various metro stations in Lisbon, contributing to the creation of an imposing underground art gallery.

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