Saturday, 28 March 2015

注意: 葡萄牙2015年夏令時間 ~ 3月29日開始 / Note: Portugal 2015 Daylight Saving Time ~ Starts on March 29

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【注意: 葡萄牙2015年夏令時間 ~ 3月29日開始】
【Note: Portugal 2015 Daylight Saving Time ~ Starts on March 29】

This year, Daylight Saving Time in Portugal is about to start!

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星期日, 3月29日, 凌晨1:00:00要改成:
星期日, 3月29日, 凌晨2:00:00, 時間要向前撥一小時。

太陽下山也會晚一小時, 葡萄牙會晚一小時才會天黑。
另外, 葡萄牙跟亞洲區四地 香港/中國內地/澳門/台灣, 時差將縮短1小時, 只有7小時。而葡萄牙跟英國在同一時區, 沒有時差; 跟鄰國西班牙則有1小時的時差。


**************                            ********************************
Sunday, March 29, 01:00:00 clocks are turned forward 1 hour to
Sunday, March 29, 02:00:00 local daylight time instead

Sunset will be about 1 hour later. There will be more light in the evening.

Besides, the time difference between Portugal and Hong Kong/China/Macau/Taiwan will become 7 hours only. There is no time difference between Portugal and the UK. With its neighbouring country Spain, there's however 1 hour of time difference.

Daylight Saving TIme will end at midnight on Sunday October 25, 2015.

Friday, 27 March 2015

葡萄牙美食不可少 ~ 馬介休 / 鱈魚餐 / Typical Portuguese cuisine ~ Bacalhau / Codfish dishes

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【葡萄牙美食不可少 ~ 馬介休 / 鱈魚餐】
【Typical Portuguese cuisine ~ Bacalhau / Codfish dishes】

來葡萄牙旅遊而沒有吃過馬介休 / 鱈魚的話, 您的葡萄牙之旅肯定是美中不足。smile emoticon

Your trip of Portugal is imperfect if you haven't had any bacalhau / saltcod dish during your stay. smile emoticon

葡萄牙是美味的馬介休的家鄉。 馬介休其實是一個菜肴的總稱, 指所有經由鹽醃製而成的鱈魚餐/馬介休餐。在葡萄牙各大小餐廳裡, 通常都能見得到馬介休菜式出現在他們的菜單上。

據說, 馬介休已經產生至少500年。馬介休能夠保存多月, 因此在歐洲大航海時代, 它是很理想的食糧。這是因為在當年, 葡萄牙探險家必須長時間乘船出海, 探索新世界; 馬介休為探險家們提供了便於攜帶、他們所需要的營養成份。

記下『馬介休』這個葡語字和到 Google translate 練一下它的發音, 那下次大家來葡萄牙旅遊, 吃飯時就可輕鬆地點一個馬介休餐喔! (還有: 據說在葡萄牙, 用馬介休做的菜多達365種, 每天吃一款, 也需要整整一年才可以全部品嘗過一次)

Portugal is home to the delicious bacalhau, or saltcod. It indeed refers to a variety of fish dishes prepared with saltcod - codfish that has been preserved by drying and salting. One can usually see bacalhau dishes showing on the menu in most restaurants all over Portugal.

Bacalhau is said to have been produced for at least 500 years, since the time of the European Age of Discovery. Bacalhau can be kept for many months and is easily portable too. It was therefore an ideal food for the Portuguese explorers who must sail around the world, as it provided them with preserved nutrients that they needed.

Remember the Portuguese name "bacalhau", and try to memorise its pronunciation (check on "Google translate" to help you), so the next time you come to Portugal, you can easily order a bacalhau dish at a restaurant! (PS: It has been widely said there are as many as 365 recipes for bacalhau dishes in Portugal. So if you have one different dish every day, it still will take you one full year to enjoy all the different ones ONCE!)

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

里斯本 國家馬車博物館 ~ 最新資訊 / Latest news on The National Coach Museum / Museu Nacional dos Coches @ Lisbon

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【里斯本 國家馬車博物館 ~ 最新資訊】
【Latest news on The National Coach Museum / Museu Nacional dos Coches @ Lisbon】

各位想要去參觀里斯本的國家馬車博物館的話, 就要趕快去了, 因為原址在 Praça Afonso de Albuquerque (貝倫區 Belém) 的馬車博物館, 搬遷在即。新的馬車博物館建在原址的附近, 將會於今年5月22日正式開放。

If you'd like to visit the National Coach Museum in Lisbon, you may want to go quickly, as its current site in Afonso de Albuquerque Square (Praça Afonso de Albuquerque) (in Belém area) will soon be moving to a new location near to the present one. The new National Coach museum will officially open on May 22nd this year.

自己實在很喜歡原本的馬車博物館。博物館的所在地,本來是貝倫皇宮裡的皇家馬術場地,從1905年5月開幕以來,備受歡迎,是葡萄牙其中一間最熱門參觀的博物館之一。 博物館是由當時的王后 Queen Amélia of Orleans and Bragança 倡議成立,她希望能將皇室和貴族們歷年來使用過的禮儀車輪,集合起來,展示給公眾參觀,提升文化價值。

博物館內部建築華麗、裝潢極具氣派, 地下一層收藏和展覽一系列從17至19世紀使用過的珍貴皇室和貴族的豪華馬車。除馬車外, 一樓那層則展示很多關於馬術的展品, 包括馬鞍、騎馬裝束及裝備等。

我本打算遲一點再去參觀一次, 但很遺憾, 到下次再訪時, 會是到新的馬車博物館了 (也好, 到時會拍多些新照片跟大家分享)。:-)

I really like the current National Coach Museum. Located in the old royal riding arena in the Belém Palace, the museum has long been one of the most visited museums in Portugal since it was inaugurated in May 1905. The National Coach Museum was created through the efforts of Queen Amélia of Orleans and Bragança, wife of King Carlos I. She had been hoping to promote the cultural values of the national treasures of the ceremonial vehicles of the Royal Portuguese House, therefore proposing to bring together the vehicles and show them to the public in a museum.

Inside this imposing and beautifully decorated National Coach Museum, it houses and displays on the ground floor a precious collection of important and magnificent ceremonial royal and aristocratic carriages dated from the 17th through the 19th centuries. On the first floor is the display of a wide variety of elements, including saddles, dress uniforms and armaments.

I planned to visit the museum again sometime later. What a shame that I won't be able to make it before its relocation will take place. The next time I'll visit it again, it will be a brand new National Coach Museum (that's good too as I can take photos and share with you all). smile emoticon

Note / 注意:
1) The first and second photos are both taken by me some years ago. Not of very good quality. // 第一及二張照片是我多年前所拍, 當時拍攝技巧較差, 因此照片質素不太好。

2) Source of the 3rd photo // 第三張照片來源: :…/images-of-lisbon-museum-…/

Friday, 20 March 2015

關於這個網頁裡的照片 / About pictures seen in this blog

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【About pictures seen in this Page】

有好幾次, 來過這個專頁參觀的朋友、讀者們, 私下有問過我, "放在這裡的照片, 都是你自己拍的嗎?"

沒錯, 絕大部份我放在這裡的照片, 都是我自己親自拍的 (也所以我有在照片上加上水印)。如果不是我自己拍的, 那些照片我會有列明出處。一來是為尊重知識版權, 而且也不想被別人告我偷盜相片。 只是想澄清一下。:-)

There has been several times that some friends and readers who came to visit this Page, and then asked me in private, "Are the photos uploaded here yours?"

Yes, right. Almost all the photos that you can see here in this Page are mine. I took them myself (and that's why you can see the mark "Uma Volta em Portugal" printed on the photos). Those that are not my own shots, I quote and specify their sources. One reason is that I respect intellectual property rights, and second is that I do not want to be sued for stealing others' photos. Just like to clarify. smile emoticon

Monday, 16 March 2015

居高臨下看里斯本~ 奧古斯塔拱門 / Contemplating Lisbon from high above ~ Rua Augusta Arch / Arco da Rua Augusta

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【居高臨下看里斯本~ 奧古斯塔拱門】
【Contemplating Lisbon from high above ~ Rua Augusta Arch / Arco da Rua Augusta】

這個位置, 絕對是想要欣賞里斯本市景色的其中一個最佳地點。

This is definitely one of the best vantage points to view the city of Lisbon.

比起里斯本其他數個免費的 "觀景點" (葡文叫 "Miradouro"), 雖然要想到這個景點要付出 2.5 歐元, 但上到拱門頂時, 您就會直說: "這2.5歐元值得付呀!" (至少我是這樣跟自己說, 哈)。
Compared to several other Lisbon's free-of-charge "lookout points" ("Miradouro" in Portuguese), although you have to pay 2.5 euros in order to be able to climb up and reach this observation point, once you reach the top of the arch, you will say to yourself right away "It is worth paying this € 2.5" (well, at least I said so to myself, ha).

先搭乘電梯再爬過一串螺旋狀樓梯後,到達拱門頂,開揚而壯闊的景色立即呈現眼前。360度環迴欣賞里斯本市 ~ 一邊廂盡是紅磚屋頂, 俯瞰以傳統葡萄牙式黑白磁磚砌成美麗圖案 (稱作 calçada portuguesa) 的人行道,另一邊廂則是廣闊巨大的商業廣場 (Praça do Comércio)。眺望聖佐治城堡 (Castelo de São Jorge) 、太加河 (Tagus River) 和 4月25日大橋 (Ponte 25 de Abril) 等。景色太壯觀,我久久不捨得離去。

Take the elevator and then walk up a flight of spiral staircases to reach the roof of Rua Augusta Arch, magnificent panoramic view come up immediately. At the top of the arch, it offers a breathtaking 360-degree view of the city of Lisbon - houses with red brick roofs; beautiful sidewalks in traditional Portuguese black and white tiles (called "calçada portuguesa" in Portuguese); the grand Commerce Square (Praça do Comércio). St George Castle (Castelo de São Jorge); Tagus River and 25 of April Bridge (Ponte 25 de Abril). The scenery is too spectacular that I am not willing to leave.

*** 如何前往參觀 (How to go): ***

* 從 羅西歐廣場 (Rossio Square), 沿行人專用路 Rua Augusta, 一直前進, 遠遠就已經看到奧古斯塔拱門 (Rua Augusta Arch), 買票上拱門頂參觀的入口處就在拱門前的左手邊。

* From: Rossio Square, walk all the way straight up Rua Augusta (Augusta Road) (it's a pedestrian-only sidewalk). You can see the arch from even far away. The entrance of the ticketing office/arch is right in front of the arch on your left.

* 每日開放: 早上9時至晚上7時 // Open daily: 9am - 7pm

* 入場費用: 2.5歐元/人 // Admission fee: 2.5 euros/person.

* 5歲以下小童免費進入 // Admission is free for children up to five years old.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Buçaco Part 1 ~ 國家森林篇 / Buçaco Part 1 ~ Mata Nacional do Buçaco / Buçaco National Forest

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【Buçaco Part 1 ~ 國家森林篇】
【Buçaco Part 1 ~ Mata Nacional do Buçaco / Buçaco National Forest】

大家有沒有考慮過, 來葡萄牙旅遊時, 將「國家森林」也列為參觀項目之一呢? smile emoticon

多謝一位朋友的家人的幫助, 駕車載我到美麗的Buçaco 國家森林和建築在森林裡的豪華酒店Palace Hotel Buçaco 參觀。

Would you consider putting "National Forests" to your travel itinerary next time when you visit Portugal? smile emoticon

Many thanks for the great help of a friend, whose family was so kind to have taken me together by car to visit the beautiful Buçaco National Forest ("Mata Nacional do Buçaco" in Portuguese) and the luxury hotel "Palace Hotel Buçaco" built inside the forest.

Buçaco 國家森林區位在那裡呢? 它位處葡萄牙中部, 距離著名的温泉之鎮 Luso 大約 3公里 (Luso 也是葡萄牙全國知名的一個礦泉水品牌), 跟歷史悠久的大學城 科英布拉 (Coimbra) 則距離大約 30公里。(參考地圖一)

Where exactly is Buçaco National Forest? Located in central Portugal, it is about 3km from Luso (Luso is also a famous brand for mineral waters) and 30km from the University town of Coimbra. (refer to Map 1)

Buçaco 國家森林是一個約有105公頃的古老森林, 被葡萄牙政府列為國家歷史遺跡。早在六世紀時, 已經有本篤會修士在那裡居住。由11世紀開始, 轉而演變由當時科英布拉主教所擁有, 並有由科英布拉主教座堂的神父們管理。1828年時, 赤腳加爾默羅會修士接手管理森林,並立即修建一個修道院, 和築起一道牆圍著森林。自1834年起, 森林範圍歸葡萄牙政府管理。

多個世紀以來,森林裡種植有近400個品種的葡萄牙本地喬木、灌木、花草和蕨類植物; 又從墨西哥、智利、日本等世界各地引入各品種植物達300種以上。森林內有很多行山徑, 一面行山, 一面享受寧靜和觀賞各植物, 一樂也!

Buçaco National Forest, classified as a National Monument in Portugal, is a very old forest of about 105 hectares. It was first settled by Benedictine monks back in the 6th century. It was since the 11th century that the forest be owned by the Bishop of Coimbra and administered by priests from Coimbra Cathedral. An order of the barefoot Carmelite monks took over the management of the forest in 1628 and immediately built a monastery, and a wall around the forest. The Portuguese government took over the forest in 1834.

Over the centuries, nearly 400 types of Portuguese trees, shrubs, flowers and ferns have been planted; and some 300 species have been imported from all over the world, including Mexico, Chile and Japan. There are many walking paths in the forest. Easily spend a pleasant day by wandering freely around the forest, enjoying the nature and tranquility!

下回: 【Buçaco Part 2 ~ Buçaco 皇宮酒店篇】
Next:【Buçaco Part 2 ~ Palace Hotel Buçaco】

交通安排 (How to go):

* 最理想是像我一樣,能驅車或找朋友幫忙驅車載您前往森林區和豪華酒店。

* 有班次不多的公車 (公車站在科英布拉市的大街 "Avenida Fernão Magalhães"), 公車是從科英布拉 (Coimbra) 前往小鎮 Viseu, 途中會穿過 Buçaco 國家森林區, 到達Palace Hotel Buçaco (另一重要景點)。車程大約45分鐘。 有興趣可參考我在網路上找到的公車時刻表 (只有葡萄牙文版本, 只作參考, 大家最好在科英布拉的 Rede Expressos 公車公司的售票處再確認一下

* The ideal way to reach the national forest and the luxury hotel is by car.

* From the city of Coimbra, there are buses (bus station is on an avenue called "Avenida Fernão Magalhães") to Viseu. Buses pass through Buçaco National Forest and stop at Palace Hotel Buçaco (another important attraction in the area). Duration is around 45 minutes. For those who are interested, you may visit this website for reference (in Portuguese only): Double check with the ticketing booth of "Rede Expressos" (nationwide bus company) bus terminus in Coimbra.

(註: 最後兩張地圖照片皆來源自 / Both maps in this post are
* 地圖一: 標示Buçaco 在葡萄牙的地理位置; 地圖二: 顯示如何沿國家森林區的行人徑, 步行到酒店。
* Map 1: shows the geographical location of Buçaco; Map 2: depicts a major path from the entrance of the Buçaco National Forest to the luxury hotel.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

看照片, 找重點 / Spot the "bright point" in the photo

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【看照片, 找重點】
【Spot the "bright point" in the photo】

猜一猜。 某天我在里斯本大街行逛時, 經過smile emoticon
一間紀念品店門外, 被那 "亮點" 吸引了我的目光! 很開心, 立即拍張照片留念。 

Guess what? One day while I was stolling up the street in downtown Lisbon, "something" outside a souvenir shop immediately caught my eyes! Take a picture of it, for sure. 
smile emoticon