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【Buçaco Part 1 ~ 國家森林篇】
【Buçaco Part 1 ~ Mata Nacional do Buçaco / Buçaco National Forest】

大家有沒有考慮過, 來葡萄牙旅遊時, 將「國家森林」也列為參觀項目之一呢?
smile emoticon
多謝一位朋友的家人的幫助, 駕車載我到美麗的Buçaco 國家森林和建築在森林裡的豪華酒店Palace Hotel Buçaco 參觀。
Would you consider putting "National Forests" to your travel itinerary next time when you visit Portugal? smile emoticon
Many thanks for the great help of a friend, whose family was so kind to have taken me together by car to visit the beautiful Buçaco National Forest ("Mata Nacional do Buçaco" in Portuguese) and the luxury hotel "Palace Hotel Buçaco" built inside the forest.
Buçaco 國家森林區位在那裡呢? 它位處葡萄牙中部, 距離著名的温泉之鎮 Luso 大約 3公里 (Luso 也是葡萄牙全國知名的一個礦泉水品牌), 跟歷史悠久的大學城 科英布拉 (Coimbra) 則距離大約 30公里。(參考地圖一)
Where exactly is Buçaco National Forest? Located in central Portugal, it is about 3km from Luso (Luso is also a famous brand for mineral waters) and 30km from the University town of Coimbra. (refer to Map 1)

Buçaco 國家森林是一個約有105公頃的古老森林, 被葡萄牙政府列為國家歷史遺跡。早在六世紀時, 已經有本篤會修士在那裡居住。由11世紀開始, 轉而演變由當時科英布拉主教所擁有, 並有由科英布拉主教座堂的神父們管理。1828年時, 赤腳加爾默羅會修士接手管理森林,並立即修建一個修道院, 和築起一道牆圍著森林。自1834年起, 森林範圍歸葡萄牙政府管理。
多個世紀以來,森林裡種植有近400個品種的葡萄牙本地喬木、灌木、花草和蕨類植物; 又從墨西哥、智利、日本等世界各地引入各品種植物達300種以上。森林內有很多行山徑, 一面行山, 一面享受寧靜和觀賞各植物, 一樂也!
Buçaco National Forest, classified as a National Monument in Portugal, is a very old forest of about 105 hectares. It was first settled by Benedictine monks back in the 6th century. It was since the 11th century that the forest be owned by the Bishop of Coimbra and administered by priests from Coimbra Cathedral. An order of the barefoot Carmelite monks took over the management of the forest in 1628 and immediately built a monastery, and a wall around the forest. The Portuguese government took over the forest in 1834.

Over the centuries, nearly 400 types of Portuguese trees, shrubs, flowers and ferns have been planted; and some 300 species have been imported from all over the world, including Mexico, Chile and Japan. There are many walking paths in the forest. Easily spend a pleasant day by wandering freely around the forest, enjoying the nature and tranquility!
下回: 【Buçaco Part 2 ~ Buçaco 皇宮酒店篇】
Next:【Buçaco Part 2 ~ Palace Hotel Buçaco】
交通安排 (How to go):
* 最理想是像我一樣,能驅車或找朋友幫忙驅車載您前往森林區和豪華酒店。
* The ideal way to reach the national forest and the luxury hotel is by car.
* From the city of Coimbra, there are buses (bus station is on an avenue called "Avenida Fernão Magalhães") to Viseu. Buses pass through Buçaco National Forest and stop at Palace Hotel Buçaco (another important attraction in the area). Duration is around 45 minutes. For those who are interested, you may visit this website for reference (in Portuguese only): Double check with the ticketing booth of "Rede Expressos" (nationwide bus company) bus terminus in Coimbra.
(註: 最後兩張地圖照片皆來源自 / Both maps in this post are from
* 地圖一: 標示Buçaco 在葡萄牙的地理位置; 地圖二: 顯示如何沿國家森林區的行人徑, 步行到酒店。
* Map 1: shows the geographical location of Buçaco; Map 2: depicts a major path from the entrance of the Buçaco National Forest to the luxury hotel.