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【里斯本 國家馬車博物館 ~ 最新資訊】
【Latest news on The National Coach Museum / Museu Nacional dos Coches @ Lisbon】
【Latest news on The National Coach Museum / Museu Nacional dos Coches @ Lisbon】
各位想要去參觀里斯本的國家馬車博物館的話, 就要趕快去了, 因為原址在 Praça Afonso de Albuquerque (貝倫區 Belém) 的馬車博物館, 搬遷在即。新的馬車博物館建在原址的附近, 將會於今年5月22日正式開放。
If you'd like to visit the National Coach Museum in Lisbon, you may want to go quickly, as its current site in Afonso de Albuquerque Square (Praça Afonso de Albuquerque) (in Belém area) will soon be moving to a new location near to the present one. The new National Coach museum will officially open on May 22nd this year.
博物館內部建築華麗、裝潢極具氣派, 地下一層收藏和展覽一系列從17至19世紀使用過的珍貴皇室和貴族的豪華馬車。除馬車外, 一樓那層則展示很多關於馬術的展品, 包括馬鞍、騎馬裝束及裝備等。
我本打算遲一點再去參觀一次, 但很遺憾, 到下次再訪時, 會是到新的馬車博物館了 (也好, 到時會拍多些新照片跟大家分享)。:-)
Inside this imposing and beautifully decorated National Coach Museum, it houses and displays on the ground floor a precious collection of important and magnificent ceremonial royal and aristocratic carriages dated from the 17th through the 19th centuries. On the first floor is the display of a wide variety of elements, including saddles, dress uniforms and armaments.
I planned to visit the museum again sometime later. What a shame that I won't be able to make it before its relocation will take place. The next time I'll visit it again, it will be a brand new National Coach Museum (that's good too as I can take photos and share with you all). smile emoticon
Note / 注意:
1) The first and second photos are both taken by me some years ago. Not of very good quality. // 第一及二張照片是我多年前所拍, 當時拍攝技巧較差, 因此照片質素不太好。
2) Source of the 3rd photo // 第三張照片來源: :…/images-of-lisbon-museum-…/
1) The first and second photos are both taken by me some years ago. Not of very good quality. // 第一及二張照片是我多年前所拍, 當時拍攝技巧較差, 因此照片質素不太好。
2) Source of the 3rd photo // 第三張照片來源: :…/images-of-lisbon-museum-…/
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