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【居高臨下看里斯本~ 奧古斯塔拱門】
【Contemplating Lisbon from high above ~ Rua Augusta Arch / Arco da Rua Augusta】
【Contemplating Lisbon from high above ~ Rua Augusta Arch / Arco da Rua Augusta】
This is definitely one of the best vantage points to view the city of Lisbon.
比起里斯本其他數個免費的 "觀景點" (葡文叫 "Miradouro"), 雖然要想到這個景點要付出 2.5 歐元, 但上到拱門頂時, 您就會直說: "這2.5歐元值得付呀!" (至少我是這樣跟自己說, 哈)。
Compared to several other Lisbon's free-of-charge "lookout points" ("Miradouro" in Portuguese), although you have to pay 2.5 euros in order to be able to climb up and reach this observation point, once you reach the top of the arch, you will say to yourself right away "It is worth paying this € 2.5" (well, at least I said so to myself, ha).
先搭乘電梯再爬過一串螺旋狀樓梯後,到達拱門頂,開揚而壯闊的景色立即呈現眼前。360度環迴欣賞里斯本市 ~ 一邊廂盡是紅磚屋頂, 俯瞰以傳統葡萄牙式黑白磁磚砌成美麗圖案 (稱作 calçada portuguesa) 的人行道,另一邊廂則是廣闊巨大的商業廣場 (Praça do Comércio)。眺望聖佐治城堡 (Castelo de São Jorge) 、太加河 (Tagus River) 和 4月25日大橋 (Ponte 25 de Abril) 等。景色太壯觀,我久久不捨得離去。
Take the elevator and then walk up a flight of spiral staircases to reach the roof of Rua Augusta Arch, magnificent panoramic view come up immediately. At the top of the arch, it offers a breathtaking 360-degree view of the city of Lisbon - houses with red brick roofs; beautiful sidewalks in traditional Portuguese black and white tiles (called "calçada portuguesa" in Portuguese); the grand Commerce Square (Praça do Comércio). St George Castle (Castelo de São Jorge); Tagus River and 25 of April Bridge (Ponte 25 de Abril). The scenery is too spectacular that I am not willing to leave.
*** 如何前往參觀 (How to go): ***
* From: Rossio Square, walk all the way straight up Rua Augusta (Augusta Road) (it's a pedestrian-only sidewalk). You can see the arch from even far away. The entrance of the ticketing office/arch is right in front of the arch on your left.
* 每日開放: 早上9時至晚上7時 // Open daily: 9am - 7pm
* 入場費用: 2.5歐元/人 // Admission fee: 2.5 euros/person.
* 5歲以下小童免費進入 // Admission is free for children up to five years old.
* 入場費用: 2.5歐元/人 // Admission fee: 2.5 euros/person.
* 5歲以下小童免費進入 // Admission is free for children up to five years old.
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