Friday 20 March 2015

關於這個網頁裡的照片 / About pictures seen in this blog

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【About pictures seen in this Page】

有好幾次, 來過這個專頁參觀的朋友、讀者們, 私下有問過我, "放在這裡的照片, 都是你自己拍的嗎?"

沒錯, 絕大部份我放在這裡的照片, 都是我自己親自拍的 (也所以我有在照片上加上水印)。如果不是我自己拍的, 那些照片我會有列明出處。一來是為尊重知識版權, 而且也不想被別人告我偷盜相片。 只是想澄清一下。:-)

There has been several times that some friends and readers who came to visit this Page, and then asked me in private, "Are the photos uploaded here yours?"

Yes, right. Almost all the photos that you can see here in this Page are mine. I took them myself (and that's why you can see the mark "Uma Volta em Portugal" printed on the photos). Those that are not my own shots, I quote and specify their sources. One reason is that I respect intellectual property rights, and second is that I do not want to be sued for stealing others' photos. Just like to clarify. smile emoticon

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