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【紀念聖安東尼節慶 @里斯本 ~ 6月12日 里斯本一年一度最大型戶外派對】
【Festivities of Santo António @ Lisbon ~ Lisbon's biggest party of the year 12/June】

不知道有沒有朋友現正身在首都里斯本旅遊呢? 每年6月, 葡萄牙各地都有很多慶祝活動, 今晚里斯本市的高潮就是在 「自由大道」(Avenida da Liberdade) 舉行的大型遊行; 而全市多個社區, 包括 Alfama, Bairro Alto, 晚上都會聚集無數人, 在街上吃烤沙甸魚、飲sangria, 唱歌狂歡起舞, 通宵達旦慶祝。
天主教聖人聖安東尼 (St Anthony/ Santo António) 是里斯本的守護神, 他在1195年8月15日生於葡萄牙里斯本, 在1231年6月13日於義大利帕多瓦 (Padua) 逝世。每年6月在里斯本市, 都有紀念聖安東尼的各類活動。今晚的各項活動, 就是紀念聖安東尼逝世。

Not sure if any of you are currently travelling in Lisbon? In June every year, there are various festivities all over Portugal. Tonight in Lisbon, the climax will be a large procession of popular marches through the Avenida da Liberdade (Avenue of Liberty), while in many different neigbourhoods of Lisbon, thousands of people are on the streets eating grilled sardines, drinking sangria, singing and dancing all night long to celebrate.

St. Anthony (Santo António) is the patron saint of Lisbon. He was born in Lisbon, Portugal, on August 15, 1195; and died in Padua, Italy on June 13, 1231. During the month of June, Lisbon has various kinds of festivities to honour St. Anthony. The festivities tonight are part of the events honouring him.
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