Monday 22 June 2015

馬德拉島傳統麵包 Bolo do Caco / Bolo do Caco - Traditional bread from Madeira Island Free

【馬德拉島傳統麵包 Bolo do Caco】

【Bolo do Caco - Traditional bread from Madeira Island】

如果能問一問足球明星C朗拿度, 他最喜歡 家鄉馬德拉島的怎麼美食? 他可能會答我們 "Bolo do caco"! smile emoticon

If we could ask football player Cristiano Ronaldo which food from his hometown Madeira Island that he likes best, he probably would answer us, "Bolo do caco"! smile emoticon

Bolo do caco 是馬德拉島最道地和傳統的美食之一。 通常, bolo do caco上塗上蒜蓉和奶油 (牛油) 後暖著來吃。它也常用於製作三明治, 在bolo do caco 麵包中加上各種餡料如火腿、煙肉和香腸來享用, 味道奇佳!

Bolo do caco is one of the most typical and traditional food of Madeira Island. It is usually eaten warm with melted butter and garlic. It is also commonly used in making sandwiches with various fillings, such as ham, bacon and sausages. It tastes fantastic!

有機會來到馬德拉島的話, 這個麵包必定要試吃, 我相信您一定會跟我一樣愛上它的。
You definitely have to try it when you come to Madeira one day. I love it, and I'm sure you'll love it too!

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